Search results

  1. Andrew F

    What's your favorite WSM accessories?

    Hinge, although I think I need to modify mine a bit as the "hold open" slot seems a little deep and I have to two hand lift the lid up to close. I know that this is designed this way to make sure the lid doesn't accidentally close, but..... Heatermeter and gaskets.
  2. Andrew F

    Deboned and stuffed Turkey to New Years Eve

    I'm wondering if the meat will cook well before the stuffing has had a chance to cook. That will be a large amount of stuffing with a relatively thin meat over it. You may need pre-cook the stuffing before placing it in the bird.
  3. Andrew F

    Where Can you Buy Wooden Handles?

    Another Cheesehead? It must have snowed enough to cover the grass, but not enough to snowmobile on. lol
  4. Andrew F

    ATC Units - Leaning towards CyberQ

    +2 The Good - The HM I've found is the best at maintaining smoker temps, has wifi, will text or email you with alerts, you can check on your smoker from your smart phone wherever you can get to the internet. It controls the fire by fan, vent, or both. It will also monitor up to 3 food...
  5. Andrew F

    Old Fashioned Fruit Cakes

    I make my own Stollen. Must be the German in me. Honestly it isn't all that hard to make. Just use real dried fruit and not that electric candied crap.
  6. Andrew F

    Heatermeter inCold Weather

    I haven't had one freeze solid, but I have had them become very hard to read, and slow to respond to changes.
  7. Andrew F

    Heatermeter inCold Weather

    The LCD will be a little wonky, but it will be fine once it warms up. Besides, who is going to be out there looking at it any way? You could possibly get a condensation issue when you bring it back inside (like when glasses fog,) but just keeping it powered off until it is too room temp will...
  8. Andrew F

    Hello from Wisconsin

    Great! Just what we need... Another Cheesehead!!!:rolleyes: LOL!
  9. Andrew F

    Pulled Pork - Winter Cook

    "bone chilling 67..." at 67 we are swimming.
  10. Andrew F

    Access heater meter remotely from WAN

    I use to check and see if my port is actually open. I also had to connect my HM to my last in line router ( dang ATT uverse) as if I connect to the router that everything else is connected to, the Uverse blocks it, but connect to the uverse, and not problems. I...
  11. Andrew F

    Rotisserie folks: One bank of coals or two?

    I've always done two. Just run your spit north/south with coals on the east and west. That way you don't have to reach over anything.
  12. Andrew F

    thinking about getting a new TV

    Where were you 2 years ago! lol. I'm thinking of cutting the cable cord, but I don't want to get rid of the DVR. Besides Tivo and their 15$ a month charge, any other DVR type systems that can record off of attena? The ability to sling the programing to a TV elsewhere in the house would be...
  13. Andrew F

    WSM or Kettle?

    I spin my turkeys on a rotisserie on the kettle.
  14. Andrew F

    No smoke Flavor

    Agreed on wood type. I buy my smoking wood from HomeDepot, as it is local. I have found that the prebagged chunks and splits from them, are very dry. I did a double smoke of a small precooked ham this weekend and I use about 4 chunks and 1.5 split of hickory / cherry mix. I was not over...
  15. Andrew F

    thinking about getting a new TV

    I have a 4k samsung TV and have had it for a while. While it is nice, there is VERY little in the way of 4 media. There are some movies coming out now, but you need a 4K player - and don't buy one that will "upscale." You want one that can read the 4k disks. That is about another 250-500$...
  16. Andrew F

    How do you Smoke a Boneless Leg of Lamb?

    You don't smoke it, you grill it, indrect, with a few hunks of wood on the coals. Lamb is better hot and fast. And I'd look more at the 130-135 range. Or you cook it on the rotisserie.
  17. Andrew F

    Something seems off here. PID setting help

    I would buy that. I also found that my lid was not sitting down tight. I was lazy and ran the probe leads under the lid and it was enough to knock the lid slightly off if I wasn't really careful. Worked much better yesterday. I do think I need to make a air burner for it too.
  18. Andrew F

    How do you collect turkey drippings?

    You could try a pan in a pan set up on the lower rack. Try a 2" deep foil pan in a 4" deep pan. That woudl leave you with a 2" air gap to help insulate the drippings. Starting with some water in the upper pan will help too.
  19. Andrew F

    Something seems off here. PID setting help

    Sorry, forgot To mention, no servo. Fan only
  20. Andrew F

    Something seems off here. PID setting help

    There seems to be quite a swing and recovery looks to take some time. Any thoughts? 22.5 WSM and 10cfu blower

