Search results

  1. W

    18.5 WSM $75 Raleigh NC

  2. W

    St Louis CL, Red SS Performer $75

    Seeing that both the ash pan AND holder are both unattached, I'd say expect some degree of bowl rust through. Probably at or near the leg sockets
  3. W

    22.5" WSM $160 West End NC

    Tim you should be ALL OVER that! :)
  4. W

    New Summit Charcoal Grill

    You'll have to beat me (and probably 20 others) to it, Lew! ;)
  5. W

    WSM Long Island NY Craigslist $50

    No excuse Chris. $50 "nearly new" WSMs don't get passed up on CL by TVWBB members. Go get that bargain, and rationalize later. :cool: The longer you hang around here, the more you'll get it. :)
  6. W

    I've never liked the WSM!

    The Weber charcoal grate will likely go (rust through) before the ring, so I'd be more likely to weld heavy gauge expanded metal. A bit of extra work up front by shaping the expanded to the contour of the ring, but should yield a great end result.
  7. W

    Lowes in Macon, GA - 18" WSM for $174

    Hmmm. Will have to check the Lowe's near me on the south and west sides of ATL.
  8. W

    Coatesville PA WSM CHEAP

    Not in Coatesville, but here's a 22.5 WSM for $200, in Linglestown.
  9. W

    Pizza Kettles on clearance at Wally, Walmart

    My point exactly. And i was doing just that - sharing options. Particularly a less expensive one that can yield similar results. After several years on this site (and others similar to it), I've found that the greatest commonality among people was 1) finding cool Weber products and 2) finding...
  10. W

    Pizza Kettles on clearance at Wally, Walmart

    Nothing wrong if you're willing to pay the price and insist on this unit; but there are other options for those that don't have a WalMart in their area, or their local WM is out. The unit in the link below yields similar results, is sold by WalMart online and has pretty strong reviews on...
  11. W

    Pizza Kettles on clearance at Wally, Walmart

    40 bucks in 8 or ten Wal-Marts around me, and I think the clearance deal is well known by now. However flip attempts have already begun as a thread has been created here - of all places - trying to sell at $110. :) I wish them well.
  12. W

    Pizza Kettles on clearance at Wally, Walmart

    My closest Walmart has had them for $79 for 6 months or so (I picked up one last summer). It is the Deluxe kit, that includes the peel. Were still 3 or 4 last time I checked (a couple of weeks ago). Slow seller in my area.
  13. W

    GBS items on sale at HD

    ok Brian - I lied.............well, I changed my mind. Went back and picked up two of the stones today. Yep - these had the metal holders; $8.83 each plus tax. The poultry roaster inserts were $12.03. Had a TON left at this particular location, which is not in the best of neighborhoods...
  14. W

    GBS items on sale at HD

    $27? I was at a local HD and the stones were about 8 bucks each. They had maybe 7 or 8 on the shelf. I didn't get one - have acquired too many "unused" accessories over the years by loading up on clearance grill stuff from HD. :)
  15. W

    22"WSM $75 CL Houston

    apparently someone listened. Gone!
  16. W

    18.5" Cajun Bandit Rotisserie for Kettle or Jumbo Joe - Augusta, GA (Willing to ship)

    Interesting that Cajun Bandit claims on their website that it WILL fit the WSM. Is yours an older model?
  17. W

    Weber 26" in Portland, OR

    Wow - pretty pricey for used. That's about the price I'd expect for mine (which looks just like it) - and I have the Craycort CI inserts and cover.
  18. W

    Weber 26" in Houston, $150

    Pat - that's the epitome of a no-brainer. If you're "tempted", then go get this YESTERDAY! Can always sell it later if you choose me, it's a much better feeling to nab the deal THEN decide whether or not you want to keep it than to be the guy who wish he had've.
  19. W

    14.5 " WSM for sell $150

    Yep - I picked up two of them NIB from Wal-Mart for $50 less than you're asking for this one( $50 each ). To compound the issue, most folks here know about the Wal-Mart clearance and have either leveraged it, passed the news on to others or both. So at your asking price this is likely not the...
  20. W

    Pizza Ketle Deluxe on sale!

    They had em for $79 at my local Wally a couple of months about and I picked up one "just because". I have 3 kamados that make pizza making trivial...........but there's something about the open-front/open-flame pizza experience that I just have to try.

