Search results

  1. John Ford

    Lost my Orifaces

    I want to THANK you as to how helpful you have been! especially the offer from Larry yesterday finally ran the NG line to the grill Love the quick connect. grill lights even with old jets. Ordered a new set of micro twist drill set plan on red rolling my LP Jets. I’ll use a little trial on...
  2. John Ford

    Lost my Orifaces

    Well about 2 years ago I converted a Genesis 330 from NG to propane. well about 6 weeks ago we downsized & low & behold a natural gas line next to the patio! I know I kept the spud orifaces from natural gas BUT I SURE CANNOT FIND THEM😳 I’ve got everything else just need spud orifaces. if...
  3. John Ford

    Grilled fish on My Genesis

    Playing with my genesis ( new to me) The wide cast iron grates are great for fish. Plenty hot to sear, & fish doesn’t fall through or stick. Grilled one piece of salmon & one of grouper& we split. Grilled asparagus, pasta, creamy pesto & crab meat.
  4. John Ford

    Best Craig’s list scores

    Most of my grilling on a Gas grill is searing Cook a lot of salmon Med -rare, tuna rare , & white meat fish done. Gets very hot/ grates don’t stick, Unfortunately cooks better than my Red restored genesis :(
  5. John Ford

    Best Craig’s list scores

    Bought my first Craig’s List grill 5 years ago. 5 Weber gas grills , one kettle, one broilmate gas & a Hasty-Bake charcoal. In my area a decent restorable grill only shows up twice a year. I’ve kept 3 A almost new Hasty-Bake for $100 A Weber S-330 in good shape ( had to convert from NG to LP)...
  6. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Ok a few pictures & comments First cook a 1.75 lb porterhouse from Fresh Market. It was on sale for $8.00/lb In my area there’s about one decent Weber full size gas grill a year for a decent price. For $100 original cost it was worth spending the effort, time & money to convert. Doing again...
  7. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Pipe dope put on spuds. There was dope on the factory spuds I replaced.
  8. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    I finished last night �� I replaced the oriface spuds, then adjusted the burner. Used a $14 regulator. I drilled my own oriface opening with the table L Michael provided. The drilling of the oriface with a twist drill when you are 65 with a little arthritis was a slight pain but I made it. I...
  9. John Ford

    Q 320 Grates

    Any recommendations for either restoration of original grates or replacement.
  10. John Ford

    Burger Press

    We eat a lot of ground wild game. Will mix in onions, spices, ground pork etc. I’ve tried several burger presses in past but never found one I loved. Got a Cave Tool 6 burger press. I think it’s a winner. Simply divide 2 pounds of ground meat into six portions in place in the press put the lid...
  11. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    When finished & working I’ll post.
  12. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Found you tube video on hand drill of oriface. Ordered hand drill kit from eBay $8.00 one not $212 one. Looks like even I can do this . Got all 5 oriface 3 main, sear burner , & side burner from grill repair . Com for $30 shipped was able to make sure of correct oriface ( different for side...
  13. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Between fish fryers , crawfish boilers & My older genesis LP I already have several tanks & both high & low pressure regulator
  14. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Ok trial run . With a little WD 40 was able to loosen screws to burners. Able to access & remove oriface. Thinking replacing oriface will be easy. Two questions. 1)With a drill like LMichaels sent link to how easy to drill oriface hole? 2) The video I saw suggested mounting propane tank outside...
  15. John Ford

    E 320 Genesis conversion Natural Gas over to Propane...!!!

    Do you need a drill press to drill blanks or can you drill with a hand drill When replacing oriface do you use pipe dope or Teflon tape?
  16. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Manifold for genesis 330 $81 Oriface $6 X 4 ( $15 drill fee) for LP I’ve got several regulators around I can use
  17. John Ford

    Natural Gas to LP

    Got a Genesis S 330 Natural Gas in good shape for $100. Need to convert to LP. Looks like 2 options, replace oriface & add regulator Or replace manifold which included LP oriface for main burners Cost difference about $40 Recommendations
  18. John Ford

    New Weber Spirit E 310 vs used Genesis S-320

    Keep the spirit, it's not a bad grill . The Genesis is probably at least 6 , new style started 2011 & going to need flavorizer bars soon ( yes even 300 series SS will corrode) I don't think the cabinet model Genesis has the lifespan of the cart models. I've seen a couple where the cabinet bottom...
  19. John Ford

    Grilled Catfish & Broccoli

    No , I did cook with lid down & turned frequently.
  20. John Ford

    Weber Genesis Gold Frame Advice Please

    Love the ingenious fix! Looking good!

