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  1. Jeremy Calow

    Weekend Fun(draising)

    That's awesome Dan, what a great way to help out and feed some hungry folks! Oh, that bacon looks pretty darn tasty too. I try to do my bacon in the winter for that exact reason - its super easy to keep temps down when everything is already -13F outside!!
  2. Jeremy Calow

    It's a sad day today.

    I read about that, sad day indeed. I live on the south side of Calgary so didn't make many trips up that way, but on the way to family I'd stop in when possible.
  3. Jeremy Calow

    Smoking Brisket with Cherry Wood

    I have used Cherry in the past, and like Rich mentioned it does impart a gorgeous colour. Very nice wood to use as far as my experience is concerned.
  4. Jeremy Calow

    Brisket for the Boys

    I'd be game for a meal like this if you're offering hehe. Seriously nice lookin brisket and that mac n cheese makes me hungry too!
  5. Jeremy Calow

    Beef Ribs

    Rich D - totally agree, I am happy to use RO on the kettle but they just don't have the getup for longer cooks.. I end up having to prop the door on the WSM open and stoke every so often to get the secondary charcoal lit. Once it transfers to the other charcoal I can usually let it run it's...
  6. Jeremy Calow

    My Maria Chops

    Love that attachment, and those chops are nice and tasty looking. I could go for some pork right about now!
  7. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon burnt ends

    Haha Phil, no such luck. The BBQ Snob had tweeted about these a few years back and I thought they were the most amazing sounding things ever. So when he wrote up a little article in Texas Monthly I just had to try and...
  8. Jeremy Calow

    20 Pork Butts on 3 WSM’s

    Wow that is a long line of tasty pork butts that's for sure. I'm interested in hearing how they turned out in the end as well!
  9. Jeremy Calow

    Beef Ribs

    Thanks kindly guys, I'd say I hit the mark with dinner. Tom if you canfind these I think they will serve you well. I used to use Charcos bricks quite a lot, and they had the same slow start, but both burn very consistently with little ash! I wouldnt use them for grilling just due to the slow...
  10. Jeremy Calow

    Beef Ribs

    So here we are all caught up. Smoked the ribs at 325 for 3 hrs, nice pull back and they were delightful looking. Left them to rest for a bit while I spun up some sides, some noodles and some duck fat fried sprouts... Brussels that is! That's one darn fine looking plate of ribs And...
  11. Jeremy Calow

    Beef Ribs

    Asked by the missus to do some Beef Ribs for dinner today. First thing this morning it was absolutely chucking down with rain so I was a bit worried, but things have brightened up so time to get these darned things out there. Starting up the chimney with my standard Royal Oak brickets. Today...
  12. Jeremy Calow

    Indian BBQ Fusion - Tandoori Lamb Shoulder & Vegetable Curry

    ooooooo That looks really tasty. I'm a little jealous compared to the dinner I have planned now.
  13. Jeremy Calow

    Canadian Bacon

    Love the lounging pic at the beginning and the final product. Those are some thick slices to be sure, but as long as it tastes good what more can you ask for?
  14. Jeremy Calow

    A Wednesday Bird

    That's a pretty slick meal for mid week, all things being equal not that difficult time wise either which is a plus! Nicely done
  15. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon burnt ends

    Thank y'all, I do think there's room for improvement so we'll see what the next batch is like in a few weeks here theoretically when work quiets down a touch.
  16. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato

    That's a darn fine looking sandwich and a tasty looking slab of pork. Well done!
  17. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon burnt ends

    Chuck that sounds like something I should kick off trying too hehe. Really cant go wrong with Sailor Jerry's tbh. Thanks Jim, I was shooting the finished product for my web page so that might be the difference vs. the mid round which was cell phone all the way ;)
  18. Jeremy Calow

    Anaheim Poppers

    That looks like a solid meal, or start to a meal. Great colour on the top of the cheese as well, really dig that look!
  19. Jeremy Calow

    Game Hens for Father's Day

    Holy smokes, I could do for a bird or two right now! They look great as does the plate!
  20. Jeremy Calow

    Bacon burnt ends

    So here's some pictures of the bacon burnt ends that I have been working on. Kinda using Daniel Vaughn's write up of Heim BBQ's recipe guidelines as the basis. Started with a 3 lbs slab of pork belly that I quick cured with brown sugar, salt and maple syrup for 5 days turning each day. Tossed...

