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  1. Jeremy Calow

    Poultry Fest (pic heavy)

    Thanks folks, there was a bit of left overs this time cause we had someone leave early but it mostly got eaten. I forgot how much I miss making fatties hehe, I had a crowd as I did the weave and roll so it's obviously a favourite as well.
  2. Jeremy Calow

    Paella on the Performer

    That is totally drool worthy Pat, great looking paella!
  3. Jeremy Calow

    Different Twist on an Old Favorite

    Looks right to me!
  4. Jeremy Calow

    Pit Beef Sandwiches

    Fab, I still haven't made PSB or equivalent and this is making me think I should. Really well done!
  5. Jeremy Calow

    Lamb Korma

    Damn thats proper eating Cliff well done!
  6. Jeremy Calow

    Poultry Fest (pic heavy)

    Still have the itch to experiment and cook for folks, so had a couple of folks over for a few new recipes and a feast of chicken. Menu was limited to some wings, roadside chicken and waffles, and an experimental fatty (more to come). Wings were pretty straight forward, dusted with a rub I...
  7. Jeremy Calow

    Costco's sliced pork belly made into bacon

    That'll work for me.. less is sometimes more!
  8. Jeremy Calow

    Tried a new Pulled Pork recipe

    Sounds awesome, and looks great. That finished chunk before going into the foil has a fried chicken look to the exterior which again, sounds awesome. I may have to try something like this as well, great work!
  9. Jeremy Calow

    Small Gathering w/ food

    I totally agree with you, though usually I have my wife around to help prep plates so I can document part of it. Ironically I know enough photographers around town, and yet I have never had any of them show up for me to cook for them. Their loss I guess hehe
  10. Jeremy Calow

    Small Gathering w/ food

    Thanks guys, yea I think it worked out alright. I should also mention all that food plus a crackin' peach and Ranier cherry cobbler that arrived from one of the guests was really only to feed 8 people. Could have easily fed double that comfortably. That tater tot dish came to me after our...
  11. Jeremy Calow

    Small Gathering w/ food

    I'm running solo for the next month and work has been a rather large pain in the back end as of late. So I called a few of my colleagues over on Friday for a bit of a hootenanny. Running solo for the whole time meant I didn't take the best pictures in the world, but I do have some to keep things...
  12. Jeremy Calow

    Ground chuck burger with sharp cheddar

    Oh man, those look good..
  13. Jeremy Calow

    Pellets, Chips or Chunks. Which is best in WSM?

    For the WSM I use chunks or small sticks. I find they smoke longer and allow me to maximize smoke while minimizing wood use.. Chips burn super quick so I use them in my kettle and pellets I find would be way to cost ineffective compared to the other options for the WSM as far as I am concerned.
  14. Jeremy Calow

    May I brag just a little - first brisket

    That looks like it worked out from here! nice looking smoke ring and juicy finish.
  15. Jeremy Calow

    Pork roast

    Juicy and smoky, just the way I like it! great looking cook Michael!
  16. Jeremy Calow

    Leg of Lamb, Saffron Rice and Edgy Peas

    That is a tasty looking chunk of meat!
  17. Jeremy Calow

    Beercation! (Pic Heavy, Sorry!)

    Oh Phil, I am not worthy.. that is a crazy spin of food and fun and family, just wow! Well done
  18. Jeremy Calow


    What in the heck.... I want this now!!! Lightning has subsided and the rain seems to be holding off, how tough would it be for me to get to MO? I think its only like a 2 flight trip from Calgary ...
  19. Jeremy Calow

    Moroccan Beef Tenderloin

    That is crazy tasty looking Robert. Love the simplicity of the finished dish. Simple clean and tasty are things I go for when cooking ;)
  20. Jeremy Calow

    Extra meaty spare ribs

    Hot damn that's a chunk of meat there. Looks great, I missed out on the pork this weekend and stuck it out with Beef... regretting that decision looking at this for sure!

