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  1. Jeremy Calow

    I was right

    Yummy.. that is all.
  2. Jeremy Calow

    Just a simple dinner

    A simple dinner with the Terminator of WSM's ... WOW, looks fantastic... I need to have your smoker.. and your meal to boot ;)/
  3. Jeremy Calow

    The Beef Bacon experiment

    Thanks folks. I am thinking this weekend a nice beef bacon hash is in order for breakfast... To ward off the cold of course ;). Morgan the cut I was using was labeled a "Flank Plate" though I don't recognize that unless it comes from the joining section between the two.. Bob, that may explain...
  4. Jeremy Calow

    Chicken Parm Casserole

    Wowzers that looks amazing... I need this to happen here hehe..
  5. Jeremy Calow

    The Beef Bacon experiment

    So a few days back, I was wandering through my local asian market looking for some beef heart to make some pastrami, and found a delightful selection of flank slabs. Looked kinda like pork belly, felt kinda like pork belly, so I figured what the heck, lets make some beef bacon. Bought a single...
  6. Jeremy Calow

    cedar plank salmon

    That looks really tasty... And the plated picture is great.. can i have a couple? hehe
  7. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    Thanks guys! Jim that's what the wife said too.. You just gotta work fast ;), or I hear you can set it up later??? Not sure about that.. Thanks Bob!
  8. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    Bob it's actually a halogen work light (read I'm really cheap hehe). Though it sounds like you are better set up than me, but I hear ya actually setting up to shoot takes more time than the cooking sometimes....
  9. Jeremy Calow

    small hunks of grilled meat

    Mmmmmm meat and potatoes... Wy don't we have a drooling emoticon? Looks great Jim :).
  10. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    Haha fair enough. Its easier to "set up" a finished shot - and now, during the cook I am running around setting up the finished scene so its a bit tough.. but no excuse I will totally get on it. Thanks a lot I appreciate the kind words on the photos. Here is a really crappy picture of my DIY...
  11. Jeremy Calow

    Pollo Asada Torta

    Wow, nice work John. Sign me up for a couple plates too ;)
  12. Jeremy Calow

    teriyaki tri tip

    Holy bananas those are some tasty morsels and great pictures!
  13. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    Sure can Geir, will add it to the next set of pictures I post if that works? Nothing professional believe me hehe totally DIY - didn't want to spend a bunch of coin on something yet..
  14. Jeremy Calow

    The All Encompassing Beer Thread

    Not sure on the availability in the US (or other parts of Canada for that matter) but one of my new favorites right now is Etoile du Nord from Braserie Thiriez. Its a saison with strong funky notes and some sourness. It "apparently" is the exact same recipe (shared with Jester King in Austin) as...
  15. Jeremy Calow

    Louie Ribs, taters, birds & college hoops

    I gotta try those potatoes Jim, they look fantastic.. well done on the rest too - but no plated pictures? whats up with that hehe.. ;) just pokin
  16. Jeremy Calow

    2 Quick meals, with new Lighting!

    Thanks a lot folks! Tony I didn't mean to suggest that only Jim liked to see action shots - just so happened that he commented on a previous post of mine ;). I will see if I can't get a few action shots next time.. Course with the dump of snow we got yesterday I can't actually see where my...
  17. Jeremy Calow

    Smokey McRibs, Armadillo Eggs and Death by Mac N Cheese

    Yum yum yum :D. I will take a couple of plates please..
  18. Jeremy Calow

    Couple of Cooks

    Good lookin wings, but those ribs look fantastic.. I will take a half rack if you please !
  19. Jeremy Calow

    Pork Loin On The OTG

    That loin is looking great Bob!
  20. Jeremy Calow

    Turkey thighs: gobble gobble

    That looks delish, never thought of doing just turkey thighs.. but this may push me that way!

