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  1. R


    Hah - too funny! Thanks for the heads up. Corrected my post. Kevin - no lawsuit coming, was just a typo!;)
  2. R

    City Style WSM Ham

    This continues to work for me - did one for this Easter. Thanks Kevin. And thanks Shawn for re-posting!
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    Came out excellent. Second time for this one. I used Kevin Kruegers mix though AFA spices, etc that went into the brine.
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    Bacon made easy

    The "two boards" technique came from this site. Can't take credit. I first used it for brisket, then for bacon. I do have a smallish folding slicer with an 8" blade but never liked to hack the brisket or bacon in half just to slice it to fit the tray :-) The two board technique is great when...
  5. R

    Bacon made easy

    That's OK - looks good, and I like "hand cut" bacon :-). If you have a really sharp 12-14" slicer/knife and stick the slab in the freezer for about 15 minutes or so makes it easier to slice. Set it on a cutting board and lay another board on top to use as a guide for the knife. Looks good from...
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    Bacon made easy

    Nice work Mike. I'm making a final decision of a Hammonster or leg of Lamb for Easter Dinner (15 folks). If I do go with curing my own ham again, I'll need to remember to toss in a tenderloin for some Canadian bacon. Should be able to slip that into the big orange bucket without a problem ;)
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    Polysicence Immersion Heaters

    Nice resource thanks for posting JB. It has totally inserted itself into the tool box in that whenever I am planning something long term, short term, impromptu. I look to see how this can work. It's become an extra oven (game changer) that has very precise temp control under the 200 degrees...
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    Polysicence Immersion Heaters

    The PS I bought has been performing great. An awesome tool to have in the kitchen. It's like having another oven. Well built.
  9. R

    Can't find tender quick and I don't have pink salt...

    It's not the same (TQ v Pink Salt) as far as a straight up replacement. Here's a good article as reference for a good way to translate. Basically a straight up 1:1 substitute of TW:Pink Salt is not correct. TQ has...
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    Polysicence Immersion Heaters

    Just as a follow-up. I know there are folks here that have more experience with sous vide than I. Just want to say this item is as important to me know as a sharp chef's knife. Been playing since I got it. Everything I've tried whether messing with left overs, experimenting with undercooked...
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    Where to get cure#1

    Free shipping on any quantity and they ship same day, no need to put an order together:
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    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Limoncello Souffle Recipe is posted: Enjoy!
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    Diane's Frozen Limoncello Souffle

    If you've been playing with the limoncello thread you might be interested in trying this recipe with some of your home brew limoncellor or "othercello". My SIL made this for us awhile back, I forget the occaision. Great reviews and I made sure the leftovers went into my freezer after the event...
  14. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Finished 'cello has been sitting in the cool spot for several weeks now. Will probably give some of the dessert a try this week or next. Once I dig out the recipe I'll notify here but post it in the recipe section.
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    Red Beans and Rice w/Andouille

    Made this again yesterday - Thanks Kevin for a great recipe. I made some minor changes this time around. Left out the green bell and doubled the red. Added a little more celery as I like that more than green bell for flavor. The wine soak is key. Half absorbed overnight this time so used...
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    Molasses-Brined and Grilled Pork Chops + Variations

    Back at this recipe again with a 6lb bone in loin end roast. Can't wait, know it will be great. It's been in the the brine now for a few hours. Thinking of a twist this time and hoping someone familiar with Sous Vide cooking will see and chime in. The plan is to cook the roast sous vide to 139...
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    Bacon made easy

    Nice work Jim
  18. R

    Bacon made easy

    So Mr. Jim - you took the skin off then for the smoke? I did on my first. Funny I thought you had done the bacon thing before. Can't wait to do another Need to pick up some more belly.
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    Competition Thighs Part 1

    Definitely give one a try. I don't compete but I do like the "bite through" idea. When I made this style thighs (prep) the first time I was in the process of picking one of my knives that I thought would work best to do the scraping. The bowl scraping happened to be lying on the counter. It made...
  20. R

    Competition Thighs Part 1

    When I experimented with scraping the skin I had really good success with a flat, flexible plastic scraper (4 inches wide or so) designed for bowl scraping. It frankly made it surprisingly easy...

