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  1. R

    I think I've had it with FoodSaver!! *****

    Yeah physical size and weight is an issue. Luckily for me I'm able to keep the 2300 on a rolling shelf where I can easily lift it out on to the countertop during use. I love the 15" size of the seal bar. It's made it handy for large items like turkeys, hams, etc. Same reason I liked the VP112 a...
  2. R

    I think I've had it with FoodSaver!! *****

    I've had two high end Food Saver models. They died way early. No parts availability to repair them. Glad yours lasted that long.
  3. R

    I think I've had it with FoodSaver!! *****

    Another update to provide maybe helpful information. The Pro 2300 by Weston is now about 13.5 years old. Still working fine. I had a power cord failure, easy fix. Recently the vacuum limit switch or the seals need replacement. Only because the auto stop function has started failing. I've...
  4. R

    Drill bits -- Titanium vrs Black Oxide ?

    If you don't have the time or will to learn how to sharpen simple twist drills to 118 deg or 135 deg. Just toss and buy new. Or grab a hand full and send them out to a sharpening service. The biggest mistake is to use the wrong angle on the wrong material being drilled. Once you see smoke coming...
  5. R

    Corned Beef and Pastrami

    Thanks! I confused my last response, I was speaking to the dry brine mix. The rub detail you gave was for the pastrami before the smoke, got it and thanks again for the points. Now the wait... everything brined and in the fridge for a week or so, and a little longer for the kraut :)
  6. R

    Corned Beef and Pastrami

    Thanks Case - that's basically what I'm doing. Did my dry rub mix, which is very similar to yours plus or minus a few ingredients, a more traditional mix if you will. But liking the dry brine approach this time with the ground mix. Understand the whole brining process et al. so good there in...
  7. R

    Corned Beef and Pastrami

    Hey, if anyone is still listening on this thread. I have a large flat (point removed before purchase) that I want to dry brine and split into half corned beef, then smoked for pastrami. Looks like Case did a dry cure with #1 pink salt by weight, and simple ground pickling spice for the start...
  8. R

    All K Kruger Rub & Sauce Threads

    So sweet! Thanks Kevin, Chris, Larry!
  9. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Going to try Meyer Lemon base using 50-60 gram rind to same amount of 90% Everclear for the base.
  10. R

    I think I've had it with FoodSaver!! *****

    Just an upadate: The Pro 2300 by Weston - is now 11 years old I just had the ONLY failure today since ownership. And it was the power cord. Solid unit, can still get all the parts from Weston. The Ary VacMaster 112 chamber sealerd did give me an issue now after 6 years. It started to fail to...
  11. R

    Porchetta vs Porkette

    So I did find my answer. It turns out that it is made from pork should. It's fillet and then the same type spices/herbs mixes are used. It's rolled, tied then cooked. Sliced up and then reheated in pork stock. A lot of deli's do not make their own anymore and simply use something like Freda Deli...
  12. R

    Porchetta vs Porkette

    Moving this from Charcuterie Ok - so did the searches. I KNOW what traditional Porchetta is and how to make it. What I would like to talk about is something that is a traditional thing in the middle to northeast Atlantic coast in the Italian community. In most deli's in this area that cater...
  13. R

    High heat gloves - welding/barbecue: seeking recommendations

    I have used the following two glove styles for at least 12 years now. One for moderate to medium temps, say only short duration at 350 deg or higher and one for temps above that. They are inexpensive given there use the medium temps have good tactile control for moving food about on the grill or...
  14. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Just as an example for those looking to measure lemon rind by weight. I use an average, but I use weight in grams. There's no way that one can hit any accuracy (assuming one wants to) by using a count of pieces of fruit. For example I have one bag of rind from 3 lemons at 24G and another of 7...
  15. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Hi David! Yes I tried the Rhubarb and definitely a fan. But as you said a bit of work. I made it a couple times and liked it. Yes I did move to 50 grams last run. But I would say 40-50 grams now is my choice. It's just a little deeper and a bit more mellow and closer to the benchmark I use...
  16. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Using standard/basic recipe from first post. I did a triple blind test with 4 different subjects. I used Villa Massa brand Limoncello as the benchmark as that seems to be the typical favorite over time with the folks I know who cook with, drink, or make their own Limonchello. It's also the one...
  17. R

    Bacon made easy

    Pretty sure he's misspelling "cured" :cool: Check your keyboard, us dyslexics need to hang together :wsm:
  18. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    Just a simple update. I've presently gone back to the exact original post/recipe. I use plain old Domino sugar, distilled water. 35-40 grams of lemon rind per recipe. The cloudiness that you get at the end of it all is due to the water and alcohol ratio. Once you get past a certain...
  19. R

    Limoncello (Lemoncello) the Italian way

    This post has been "asleep" for awhile. As I was dumping in rind from 30 lemons and 3 litres of 95% grain today to start macerating I though I might post something interesting along to anyone still interested in this thread. There's a company in Brooklyn - Industry City Distillery that's...
  20. R

    All K Kruger Rub & Sauce Threads

    I often still reference Kevin's recipes as base lines for my rubs. Try his coffee/chocolate rub on your next brisket! I've done very little mods. I get comments all the time and requests for "that brisket the way you made it last time" Thanks Kevin

