Search results

  1. Tim McCann

    3 Bone Pork Chop

    Looks fantastic Jim.
  2. Tim McCann

    Brie Stuffed Burgers

    Nice work! Both meals.
  3. Tim McCann

    Towering T-Bone

    Cant hardly see the plate Jim!
  4. Tim McCann

    Welcome September Cheeseburgers

    I'll take 2 please! Those look great.
  5. Tim McCann

    Dropping in to say howdy with a fishy post!

    That's what I'm talking about! Didn't see this post till after your other. Been a good year I see. Was in the Seattle area the other day and the humpies are plentiful! Limits every day! Not as good eating as the Coho's IMO.
  6. Tim McCann

    Beef shorties!

    Welcome back Morgan! Great looking cook! Freezer full of fish?
  7. Tim McCann

    St Louis, MO CL vintage Weber grills, various prices. readheads, plum gasser, lids

    She does make you look nice grilling Bob! I'd pile them under that deck!
  8. Tim McCann


    Nice STEAL Bill! There's going to be some good stuff coming soon! Can't wait for Eggplant Parm. and Lasagna!
  9. Tim McCann

    Starting the weekend with Gourmet Burgers

    That will do it!
  10. Tim McCann

    Cinnamon Bacon and a killer McBob

    Your a Happy Man Bob!
  11. Tim McCann

    Tri Tip & EXCELLENT Corn

    It all looks fantastic Jim!
  12. Tim McCann

    more HIGH HEAT baby backs

    Looks great Jim! Where are your vents at during the cook? Half closed?
  13. Tim McCann


    That looks awesome!
  14. Tim McCann

    Sunday and Anthony is at it again.

    Great food Anthony!
  15. Tim McCann

    #4 Back to Penn State Dinner

    Tough to leave home with food like that!
  16. Tim McCann

    Emilie(long time no se)

    Looks great Emilie! Your plates are always picture perfect!
  17. Tim McCann

    I'm a happy father.....

    Chip off the old block Tony! You taught him well! You guys should be proud! Great food Anthony!

