If he has a vice, he might be able to salvage the existing 45 fitting by putting that fitting lightly in a vice and going at it like before on the hose fitting. Looks like pipe dope on the threads. Worse comes to worse, it doesn't work.
As others have already said, a lot depends on the brand and how the bags were handled before you get them. I use Camp Chef pellets and use Ryobi 18v blower to clean dust out of my pellet bin on the Camp Chef. Also use it between cooks to blow out the smoker after removing as much residual as...
I had just the opposite. a LP converted to NG. The flipper replaced the bud on the burner with the correct size for NG. I would imagine the same would be true for going the other way.
You have a front control Genesis? Yes, there will only be one igniter button, but each burner tube will have an igniter. If your Genesis has the controls on the right side which is much more than 2 years old, there will only be one igniter button and one igniter on the front burner...
Since this is one of the front control Genesis, on another thread it was noted that some igniters were not working due to being knocked out of alignment relative to the burner or plugged holes in the burner tube where the igniter is located. Easy enough to check. Your on the right track to...
Looking at the questions and answers on amazon for that regulator, it does not appear to be what you need. Larry will know. It shows 11" WC and another user put it on a Genesis and had the identical issue you did. Go back to your old regulator
You must be talking to my wife. At age 70 I pretty much get stuff all year long if the budget allows. My wife is pretty much the same way. Christmas gift lists are pretty much a head scratcher around here.
Welcome to the forum. You'll find plenty of people willing to help you here. It sounds like you may have found the go to guy for fabricating bars and grates. Rust on flavor bars is not uncommon unless they were stainless to begin with. If there are no holes, they do their job. Just need...
Wish we had known about that place on our 1 day trip into Phoenix. Would have hit there before we picked up our new pet. Sure would have been a lot better than McDonalds in Wickenberg!
I doubt that there are any warnings. I am dubious of any 10 year battery in a SD lasting that long. That might be the perfect battery under simulated conditions instead of real world environments. Using the test button does a couple of things. It checks the functionality of the detector to...
I don't anymore since I retired in 2007. Everyone was hot to trot for the spray smoke for real estate compliance inspections for transfer of ownership. Easier to do with high ceilings, etc. than button pushing. Almost as quickly as it became popular, fire marshalls in RI recommended...
Smoke detectors are almost like cooking on grills. Placed in the wrong location they are totally ineffective in notifying occupants to get out. Down side on battery detectors are people mounting them in dead space corners between walls and ceilings, removing batteries due to false alarms (I...
If you actually get 10 years out of smoke detectors your are doing well. They are supposed to be cleaned and tested frequently per the manufacturer's instructions. Very few people do. I'd be more concerned going into fall/winter about CO detectors which seem more sensitive. You usually can...
What a shame. we need independent businesses to do well. Hopefully, the insurance will do right by them instead of pinching every penny. If I was living in the area, I'd definitely make a trip to support them.