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  1. J

    Rough night

    I have cooked some beltie steaks and they scare me a little as I was told they should not be cooked over a screeching hot open flame like I cook any other steak. Also, I was told to be real careful not to overcook them or they are not good. I see you are using indirect heat? Any other tips? I...
  2. J

    How and why do you use a vacuum sealer, and is it essential for you?

    Like all of the other responders, I vote in favor. We have been using ours for several years. Name brand, it has held up, but there are many options. My wife was cold to it at first because one more appliance means more clutter, but she has really warmed up to it. Now we can buy in bulk without...
  3. J

    Used charcoal recovery for reuse

    I shake over a trashcan so the dust and fines go in the trash and the usable pieces stay in the chimney starter. Messy as I said with all of the shaking. But now that I am thinking about it, I do have a rig that I use for screening dirt that could be used for the charcoal. It is a screen framed...
  4. J

    Used charcoal recovery for reuse

    I shake it through the chimney starter and store it somewhere. Messy job though.
  5. J

    Espresso machine upgrade

    I have been using the Cuisinart EM-200 for three years or so. For the six or seven years before that, I was using the Cuisinart EM-100. I'm happy with these; I use them daily for a couple of cups in the morning.
  6. J

    Extention Ring Issues

    I measured my ring this morning. I could not measure the circumference because the tape measure just kinks, but I got a 21.5" diameter going north-south, and a 22" diameter going east-west. So it's become slightly oblong over the years, but as I said earlier it fits in with a tiny bit of...
  7. J

    Extention Ring Issues

    I have a rotisserie extension ring, and I am not sure that I would describe the fit as snug exactly. You are seeing a 1/2" gap, that could be within a tolerable range. Have you tried using it? It may well work okay, I don't know that there would be a lot of heat loss out of a small gap like...
  8. J

    New Genesis 2022

    I saw some Napoleons marked down to around 1/2 price at Lowe's last week. $429 for a five burner iirc.
  9. J

    Aggressive Brisket Trim.

    I do as well. I think some of the trimming practices have been popularized by restaurant or competition cooks who are looking to plate a presentable product. For me, I like to have a fat cap dripping down throughout the cook. If someone in the house doesn't want to eat that part, they just cut...
  10. J

    What is everyone's favorite charcoal?

    I was surprised to read this, but I checked the manual (no offense Eric) and it is true. I have some pretty big logs in my lump and it has been wildly uneven when it comes to keeping temp in my WSM. I just never connected that problem with the lump. I have too much lump to give it up, so I...
  11. J

    Whole Packer Brisket in Westchester, NY? Or How Best to Smoke Flats?

    I have asked a Costco butcher about getting a whole briskets and I was told they basically get what they get from their supplier. Maybe he was just blowing me off, but I did not get the impression he could just order briskets on special order. They always seem to have flats though, and that...
  12. J

    Do you keep a fire extinguisher around your grill area?

    I have an extinguisher in the kitchen which is close to the backyard where the grill is at but more likely I would go for the hose if things got out of hand. I usually just drop the lid when grease catches. The most sparking I see is with lump in the chimney starter, so I keep that a good...
  13. J

    Water bowl rust repair

    I use a stainless mixing bowl from a local Asian goods market that carries a huge variety of stainless mixing bowls. I tried repairing the stock water pan, but nothing worked and looking back it was a lost cause. The stainless pan is no step-down at all, in fact I think it has a little more...
  14. J

    Fire Starters - what are you using?

    I must say I have been thinking about picking up the Harbor Freight flamethrower, but more for burning weeds. Shame on me for not thinking through the barbecuing possibilities until now.
  15. J

    Diagnosing a brisket cook.

    On the economics of it, I've been seeing whole briskets for $3.49 at Costco often lately, and I have a local butcher with a similar price. The flats for some reason are much more per pound, like at least double that. I don't know why. We paid around $35 for our last one. It's a great deal on...
  16. J

    Rotisserie turkey - pushing the limit?

    So I've cooked many turkeys in the WSM, some low and slow, some not, but all good. However, I have not done any in several years because there is just no going back from a turkey cooked over charcoal (Wicked Good lump this year) on a 22" kettle rotisserie. Cooks really quickly, and the moisture...
  17. J

    Fire Starters - what are you using?

    Chimney starter over the side burner. I use cubes when camping though.
  18. J

    What instant read thermometer do you have?

    I've been using this ThermPro for 3 years. I cook in all kinds of weather including snow and rain so I don't baby it although I know I should. The thermometer is quick to read, visible and accurate. $11.89 right now at Amazon.
  19. J

    Lump in the WSM

    I use Wicked Good lump. Large pieces, long burn with low ash. Keeps a nice steady 225-250. I've tried a long cook with Kingsford only and the ash filled the bottom, choking off the air and causing the fire to go out. Funny but when I use that same lump to grill something fatty like a rib eye...
  20. J

    Sous Vide + WSM Smoker BBQ Method

    For me, the WSM arrived a few years before the kids did. The WSM is still here, one kid is off at college, the other not far behind. So it can be done with little ones. My wife is a great cook and most of what she cooks requires a lot of detail and attention, stirring, adding, measuring, timing...

