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  1. Angie H.

    Jewels Dunn's River - Ocho Rios, Jamaica

    Beautiful pics Chuck.
  2. Angie H.

    Hatch Chile Verde Burrito - Burning Love!

    That looks delicious Robert. Those green chili's must've smelled awesome when they were roasting.
  3. Angie H.

    Heirloom Burgers

    Burgers look perfect Bob!
  4. Angie H.

    Pecan Smoked Meatloaf

    That looks great Pat. The pecan sounds like it would pair nicely with meatloaf.
  5. Angie H.

    BBQ As A Gift.

    That's a great idea Tony. I'd be thrilled if someone gave me homemade smoked salmon!
  6. Angie H.

    Hi I'm from London .... hope this is the start of something good :-)

    Hi Theresa! Always nice to see another gal joining the forum!
  7. Angie H.

    First grill-smoked meatloaf

    That looks great Chad!
  8. Angie H.

    Steak & Eggs Breakfast

    Breakfast of champions! That is one heck of a breakfast Jerome, it looks amazing!
  9. Angie H.

    Korean Style hot wings

    Those wings look great Case, nice and crispy. I've seen Korean Wings recipes floating around the web for awhile now but never tried it because the method seemed a little time consuming but you make it look easy!
  10. Angie H.

    Home alone...

    That's a perfect dinner for one washed down with a fine glass of merlot! Very nice!
  11. Angie H.

    Not over the loss of the first one and now this.

    Oh no Rich, I'm so sorry for you, Barb and Whitney's loss. It is just heartbreaking having to say goodbye to our furry kids, especially two of your beloved pups in the space of a year. Give Barb a big hug from me, my beagle Joey and my chihuahua Ziggy.
  12. Angie H.

    Can you see this pic?

    No pic from this end Bob.
  13. Angie H.

    I don't like Mondays, but I do love BBQ'd salmon!

    Salmon and oysters, now that's my kind of dinner! Looks fantastic Monty!
  14. Angie H.

    Friday evening pepperoni deep dish on the Kettle Pizza

    That pizza looks fantastic Nate. Perfect color on the crust and sides.
  15. Angie H.

    Dog lovers

    Ha ha that is great! I had not seen that one yet. Love it, thanks for sharing Bob!
  16. Angie H.

    Something different for every family member

    Great looking dinner Jay!
  17. Angie H.

    Rotisserie Triple Play BBQ Chicken

    Looks delicious Robert!
  18. Angie H.

    Kettle Pizza Deep Dish

    Great job on the deep dish Nate, looks fantastic!
  19. Angie H.

    More Rain so it’s Weber’s Slow Cooker for Chicken Taco Soup

    The soup looks delicious Barb! I love the little weber slow cooker Rich put together. Weber needs to see this and start making slow cookers and maybe even a countertop grill!

