Search results

  1. GaryP

    You know you're getting old when...

    My neck has hurt for a week and a half and I have no idea why. Well, trying to be a nice guy I made the bed last week when the sheets were washed and apparently I switched our pillows. I didn't even know we each had our own. My wife discovered after she put fresh sheets on a couple days ago. I...
  2. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    My inlaws went back home last week after visiting for a month. Yeah. So one day after cooking for them, they were going back to their RV for the evening. They had a habit of placing things on top of my keezer and father in law bumped a tap handle on his way out when picking up a bag. We waived...
  3. GaryP

    Rack of lamb, because we really like it

    Back when I lived not to far from you in Knights Landing, we would get them from the Costco in Woodland. Now having moved to south Texas, closest Costco is in San Antonio about three hours away. We really miss Costco. And trader Joe's. And nugget. And having any option besides HEB. You should...
  4. GaryP

    Rack of lamb, because we really like it

    Love rack of lamb. It's hard to find down here so we've been ordering from wild fork. They look fantastic.
  5. GaryP

    Creekstone prime ribs

    Finally got around to cooking four bones of the creekstone beef ribs. Got these on sale a while back. While not the best I've gotten my hands on, they rendered well and had pretty good moisture. Cooked about 6.5 hours on the jambo. No wrap, no spritz. I love burning sticks on the weekend when I...
  6. GaryP

    Homer Simpson Performer

    That is sweet. Almost worth a trip to Dallas.
  7. GaryP

    Peri Peri Chicken & Spicy Rice

    Love peri peri chicken. My wife will make coconut rice with it sometimes. Helps cool some of the heat. Looks great Kemper. You and Ginger stay warm up there.
  8. GaryP

    Franklin Pit Scratch and Dent Sale

    I got this email also, some really sweet deals to be had. I'd take the bait if not for my other addition arriving in a couple months.
  9. GaryP

    The Humor Thread

  10. GaryP

    Giving T-Mobile a try

    We have had TMobile phones for probably six years. And have had the internet since shortly after it was launched. Overall we have been very happy with it. A couple issues with the internet here and there but overall its been great. Saving a whole lot of money for a couple streaming services VS...
  11. GaryP

    Not many will understand this one

    I'm 41 and only know what it is because of my mother. Back when I was younger and watching LA Kings games with my dad, commercials would come on for great western bank and Dennis Weaver was the spokesman. My mother told me me all about it and how I should never piss off a trucker. Many years...
  12. GaryP

    Ice Storm

    I saw there were some weather extremes coming. I'm on the other end of it. Almost 80 here today which is crazy. Y'all stay warm up there.
  13. GaryP

    Schulz/Peanuts Article

    Oh, and the fat man even took a few laps around the rink! That's been almost ten years, time flies!
  14. GaryP

    Schulz/Peanuts Article

    We have been a couple times. Being an auto mechanic I have a love/hate relationship with engineers. I thought this was hilarious even though it referencing a different type.
  15. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    My wife used to hate it when I would ferment lagers in her "closet"(it was actually a 3rd bedroom). Some of those lager strains throw a lot of sulphur. But on most ale strains I agree!
  16. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    I lost a tank that way once. Also lost a full keg of triple decocted dopplebock due to a sticking picnic tap once. At least it was all inside the keezer. What a mess. English dark mild brewing up today with clarity ferm preparing for my father in laws arrival. Gee, I can't wait. If anyone...
  17. GaryP

    Exclusive Drawing for Forum Members: ThermoPro Lightning instant-read thermometer

    Travis' class was a whirlwind of awesome. It took a couple days for my brain to get back to normal. He is a world champion and put it all out in the open for us. It confirmed some things I was doing right and opened my eyes to so many things I could improve. He even took time after class to...
  18. GaryP

    Exclusive Drawing for Forum Members: ThermoPro Lightning instant-read thermometer

    Sweet! This weekend just keeps getting better. Currently in OKC taking a bbq comp class from Travis Clark, and now this! I better go get a lottery ticket. Thank you Chris!
  19. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    Smart man. Mine isnt in a great spot either, more than once a faucet has been bumped. But the dogs love it.
  20. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    Looks like the same freezer I have but I went with a collar instead. And I keep a 2.5 keg where your celebration is. Currently has ginger beer in the baby keg.

