Search results

  1. GaryP

    Frozen Bones Rib Competition - Van Dyne, WI

    Good luck James. I was going to roll to a local ibca this weekend but my in-laws are coming into town. Hopefully I can sneak away for one this month. Look forward to your results/photos.
  2. GaryP

    2024 KCBS World Invitational - Lebanon, TN

    Congratulations James! Can't wait to for your posts to follow along. Give em hell.
  3. GaryP

    What's on tap/brew schedule?

    Irish red with clarity ferm(gluten intolerant FIL coming down) brewing up today. Beautiful weather down here. Not very often I can cool to pitch temp with just city water. Cheers everyone 🍻
  4. GaryP

    Beer question from someone who knows nothing about beer

    Maybe SN bigfoot? Not a malt liquor but a delicious barleywine that you should be able to find this time of year.
  5. GaryP

    Victoria TX IBCA

    Thanks Bob. It's hard to shake it off but I just have to. All B.S. aside I'm spending 600+ per cookoff to do this. When they are calling for judges the morning of along with allowing team members to judge(as long as you're not the head cook) you really have to wonder. But I love competing and...
  6. GaryP

    Broccoli beef

    Yeah I wish it was more exciting but it's pretty simple. Obviously a good amount of garlic and some salt and pepper with some beef broth. I'm just tickled that I get to use the "waste" to get a nice meal out of. I cubed it instead of going with thin slices but after about four hours it was nice...
  7. GaryP

    Broccoli beef

    Not a whole lot to tell. Slow cooker, soy sauce, sesame oil, beef broth, garlic. After 4 hours some cornstarch to thicken. Got some fresh broccoli from an old timer that comes by the shop and hooks us up with stuff from his garden. Jasmine Rice with some aleppo peppers and black sesame seeds and...
  8. GaryP

    Broccoli beef

    Instead of the usual taco, I made broccoli beef with some of my leftover comp brisket trimmings. Came out great. Wife came home from her pottery show and was happily surprised I had dinner covered for the evening. And I'm happily surprised she sold enough pottery to buy me some more srf...
  9. GaryP

    Victoria TX IBCA

    Not a whole lot to say. Just some photos and a little story. A little rain, a lot of wind, jambo didn't care. There were a lot of big time teams at this event and I got my a** whipped. 73 teams and I finished in the 40's. A little frustrating as I don't understand how judges at the same table...
  10. GaryP

    Super Bowl - what’s on the menu?

    I myself do not watch or follow football. But after reading this, I have an image of Larry doing the "Superbowl shuffle" back in '85!
  11. GaryP


    I never beer shame. There is a reason BMC sells so much beer. People like what they like. I actually appreciate it when someone is open to try new beer styles. Like it or not, at least you tried.
  12. GaryP

    Costco American Wagyu whole brisket

    Ribeye caps for me. 🤤
  13. GaryP

    No drill temp gauge replacement?

    I did the exact same thing as Michael. It works great with no drilling.
  14. GaryP

    Cars Cars Cars

    Close, but I mean, I did have my boots on....🤣
  15. GaryP

    Beeville CBA

    Yes it gave me a good smile. I get a lot of laughs from that thread, something we all need to help keep us sane!
  16. GaryP

    Beeville CBA

    Thank you all very much. If you keep reading them, I'll keep posting!
  17. GaryP

    Cars Cars Cars

    Having worked on GM trucks for the last 25 years, I agree with this so much. I forgot how just a few years ago I could work on a 2500 by just popping the hood and leaning over(had one come in the shop the other day). Now I need a three foot step and have to slide up on my gut to get any access...
  18. GaryP

    Beeville CBA

    It's been a couple months. Had some comps get cancelled so was nice to get back to it. Chilly temps gave some challenges and I made a couple bonehead mistakes so I probably did better than I should have. 27 teams. 22nd chicken, 15th ribs and 4th brisket for 11th overall. I dried the chicken out...
  19. GaryP

    New member

    Welcome from just down the road in Aransas Pass!
  20. GaryP

    Costa Rica BBQ Challenge!

    Wow that sounds like a once in a lifetime cook. Hope you have a blast!

