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  1. Andrew F

    Heatermeter 4.3 and raspberry pi3 not connecting to internet

    I was going to suggest going hard wire. Glad to hear you got it working.
  2. Andrew F

    mod for performer required

    I like that idea. This has me thinking that I might just upgrade all four of my legs to larger casters. It would roll around a lot easier.....
  3. Andrew F

    mod for performer required

    I think it can be done, but you will need to add an insert into the leg tube to grip the caster. something like : Or better, an Expanding Rubber Stem. See this page: - Casters
  4. Andrew F

    Can you add an external antenna to a HM to improve WIFI range

    My house seems to be a black hole when it come to wifi range. The fact that is aluminum sided probably doesn't help. Also, ATT installing my router in the basement may have something to do with the signal strength as well. As you can guess, my wifi out on the deck where I smoke is sketchy at...
  5. Andrew F

    Probe Holder

    Hey WBegg! Can you print off a few of these for me? You know my colors! lol
  6. Andrew F

    Help with HM damper settings.

    Here are my settings for today And here is the cook so far. The probe is about 6" long so it is there pretty good. I'll move it to the top rack. I also took out the I and D ( set them to zero.)
  7. Andrew F

    Help with HM damper settings.

    Just lit the fire. You can see the adapta-damper attached via the BBQ Guru adapter Figured I better turn it over as there is some rain in the area All closed up ready to heat up Bottom vents are all closed. Top vent it 100% open 15 CFM blower Here is a link to the live cook...
  8. Andrew F

    Help with HM damper settings.

    Well, crud. That didn't work so well.
  9. Andrew F

    Help with HM damper settings.

    I have a WSM 22, and a damper on my HM now, and need some help with the settings on it. I would like it to run damper only to 50% open, then kick in the fan if needed. Would my settings be: Fan out put: pulse ON above 50% min 0 max 30 ( to limit my fan out put to 30% of max) Startup max 100...
  10. Andrew F

    Auber/22 WSM Fan

    I have and Auber and I bought both the 10cfm and the 20 cfm. The 20 was total over kill. Usually even the 10 cfm would just "puff" every so often, but this is because the PID is an on/off style rather than variable speed. I would get the 10 cfm fan, and if you need a bigger fan for the stick...
  11. Andrew F

    I need help tuning my HM

    It was "just" the HM.
  12. Andrew F

    Been too Long Since I Did One of Theses

    Is that grated cheese on the bun? And where is the meat?!? lol
  13. Andrew F

    I need help tuning my HM

    Opening a can of worms here, but I run with my top vent wide open, bottom vents all closed with my HM - no damper (yet....)
  14. Andrew F


    Depends on the type of extinguisher, but a good power wash should make it right as rain. Most dry fire extinguishers use compressed nitrogen gas to propel a yellow fire-suppressing powder over the flames. This powder is made from sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, a chemical closely...
  15. Andrew F

    Best Pulled Pork Shredder

    I've been known to shred a bunch in the kitchen aid mixer with a paddle bit. This, however, is what I do 98% of the time.
  16. Andrew F

    Best way to Collect Dripping from Boston Butt?

    I use a double pan set up. I have two disposable pans of the same size and set one inside the other with about a 1/2" of air space in between from some foil balls.
  17. Andrew F

    igrill 3

    I used an IGrill 2 with my WSM for about a year, then I upgraded to a HeaterMeter. The probe length wasn't a problem on the WSM. I did find replacement probes some place on-line, but they ended up being a POS. Range is very limited to your bluetooth range. I can be in my kitchen with the...
  18. Andrew F

    Best way to get probes into WSM

    I have the hole and grommet set up on my 22" WSM. I do use the it for the smoker temp probe, I stick it in and use the grommet to hole it in place. For the meat probes it much easier to notch the rim. Make the notch just deep enough that you can remove the top rack with out the bottom rack...
  19. Andrew F

    Throwdown #38: Show Us Some Love!

    Smoked meatloaf. Nuff said.
  20. Andrew F

    heatermeter suddenly died?

    I don't know if this will help you or not, but my HM was acting wonky the other day, with similar issues to yours. I just needed to pop out the SD card and re-install it firmly.

