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  1. DuaneMac

    Got my first Weber Kettle, So I'm Here to Say Hello!

    Welcome from PA! Cool grill looks like a Happy Cooker, very similar to Weber. Here’s some info that Chris A. posted awhile back about them.
  2. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  3. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  4. DuaneMac

    TOMORROW (10/11) IS.......

    Had one for lunch today, to honor the day!
  5. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  6. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    @Josh Dekubber This is a good site for info as well
  7. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    @Josh Dekubber This is a great book to have, tons of info about every GPA that Coleman has made. Nothing about mechanics or restoring, just history and how to identify different years that aren’t marked.
  8. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I’d definitely grab that! It’s always nice to have the original globe but even if it’s a Chinese replacement it’s still a good deal at $30
  9. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    Me too, haven’t been on there in quite a while. Some of those guys really know their stuff!
  10. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I like the little single mantle 200’s a lot, much easier to work on than the 220’s. Here’s a ‘61 with a cool handle/reflector and original amber globe.
  11. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  12. DuaneMac

    Started playing with Coleman things...

    I was bitten by the Coleman bug 6 years ago, it’s more infectious than Weberitis! Great grilling lights.
  13. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  14. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  15. DuaneMac

    Wok on the weber grills

    I bought it from Agri Supply, I really like it, very heavy duty. Price has gone up considerably since I got mine...
  16. DuaneMac


    That looks amazing! They’re gonna be good.
  17. DuaneMac

    Wok on the weber grills

    Here’s my setup, plow disc over top of the Vortex. Works great!
  18. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  19. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

