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  1. DuaneMac

    Fixed the Hot Tub

  2. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  3. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

    I never knew about the arrow or the smiley face. Guess my wife is right, “You don’t notice anything”!
  4. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

    I never saw the smiley face, I always saw it as a “g”!
  5. DuaneMac

    Corned Beef Brisket

    I buy the packaged corned beef when I want to make a “quick” pastrami, I follow @Chris Allingham recipe.
  6. DuaneMac

    Old Bench Vise

    It’s like everything else—what’s old is new again… My 34 year old son has suddenly gotten into “vinyl”. He’s coming over today and picking up my old albums that I’m giving him, I haven’t listened to them since the 70’s. Heck, I don’t even listen to the 100’s of CD’s I have, I stream everything now.
  7. DuaneMac

    Getting prepped for latest arctic blast

    The animals are getting ready too! We’re supposed to get a few inches of snow tomorrow followed by frigid temps the early part of next week. Caught these guys filling their bellies on my trail cam along side the house last night.
  8. DuaneMac

    Stainless steel pots and pans - the purchase

    I agree 100% with both statements!
  9. DuaneMac

    Gumbo on a Cold Night

    Excellent! I love Gumbo, Jambalaya too! Sometimes I’ll combine the two and make Gumbo-laya.
  10. DuaneMac

    Happy New Year from CT

    Hi Chuck, welcome from PA! What are you cooking on?
  11. DuaneMac

    Bone in pork chops osso buco

    That looks really good Brett. I’ve only ever had veal shanks. I love the bone marrow!
  12. DuaneMac


    Happy New Year everyone!
  13. DuaneMac

    Lets see your snow removal weapons.

    Here’s mine! 🤣
  14. DuaneMac

    Charcoal Grilling Ban in New Jersey

    Yay, the burn ban that’s been in effect here in PA since Oct. 27th is over as of today! I’ve missed our weekend neighborhood bonfires.
  15. DuaneMac

    USA made products

    Great flags, just went outside and took a picture of mine! Hasn’t faded much in the 4 years it’s been flying.
  16. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  17. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  18. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

