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  1. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    Looks like your plan is coming together. I made a rube goldberg adapter for my joe and i'm planning to make something that looks better or buy a new one Keep us posted . What kind of puppy?
  2. Larry Naylor

    Help needed on sms settings for consumer cellular

    Hi Eric I tried that number and still no luck i get a message in the system log not accepted by server. Also tried the alsosame results. Wonder if consumer cellular might be the problem
  3. Larry Naylor

    Help needed on sms settings for consumer cellular

    Try to set up alarm reporting on HM to cell phone. I have a android with consumer cellular service . I went to the sms notification settings and there is no settings for my provider if i select other it asks for a provider and I've tried a bunch i found on the internet anyone using consumer can...
  4. Larry Naylor

    Well there's your problem! - No damper control

    With the servos that are being used i don't think there is a reliable way to test them. Part of the problem is we are willing to put up with cheap crap from China.Back in the late 60s we had the same problem with cheap crap from Japan, back then we quit buying it and forced Japan to improve...
  5. Larry Naylor

    Kamado question

    Best advice from the akorn grill people was to empty the ash pan as soon as its cooled. The ash will absorb water from the air and become acidic and lead to rust problems. I got this info from the Akorn people prior to me buying my Kamado Joe. LOve my Kamado and my grandsonin law loves his...
  6. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    Not to over complicate things but keep an eye on the vent these servos (Sg90 i think ) are really cheap and i don't know how good the resolution is. This is the ability to return to the same position at o and 100 percent. One of mine stopped closing all the way, at 0 percent. Nothing major just...
  7. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    GBrown when adjusting the damper servo you want to listen to the servo if you try to over drive (rotate) it you can burn it out. Listen to it if you hear a buzzing sound you have to change your settings. This might take a few tries to get it right. I use an rd3 that snaps together and is pretty...
  8. Larry Naylor

    kudos and props to HM!

    Have you used it on any cooks yet? I agree with you about the kit and instructions, but Bryan can't control our sausage fingers and grey haired eyes working on small things
  9. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    Gbrown keep us up dated on your progress Take a little fiddling to get your settings right this site will help you with that. Byran if you find that treasure chest you can retire
  10. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    Forgot to answer another of your questions The heater meter is used to control the temp of the Kamado not the food. If your smoking ribs (yummy) you would set the heater meter for a grate temp of say 225, the HM would either blow more air in to up the temp if it starts to fall, and stop blowing...
  11. Larry Naylor

    Beginner questions

    Ok if you have the pi zero w you will have to solder a header to it but the pi zero wh has the header already on it and everything will just plug in. Now on your heater meter you have the thermal-couple version and will need a thermal couple for the grate temp. Here is a web site that has a lot...
  12. Larry Naylor

    Paralyzed by options. Wanted to order a kit yesterday.

    Glad it's together and working an is a real nice guy to wor with.
  13. Larry Naylor

    Paralyzed by options. Wanted to order a kit yesterday.

    I have the same probe and no regrets
  14. Larry Naylor

    Where has Bryan been, is this project abandoned?!

    Glad all is well with the family. Family has to be number one priority these are somewhat troubling and trying times the HM in the clear case looks like something that would self destruct in 10 seconds after Mr Phelps presses it and hears the message
  15. Larry Naylor

    Paralyzed by options. Wanted to order a kit yesterday.

    Well first of all the tip of your thermal couple of choice is exposed to all the smoke and grease floating around it the grill but by all means feel free to use it, you asked for opinions and i gave you mine if you don't agree wellll ....I wasn't questioning your soldering skills i was just...
  16. Larry Naylor

    Help with PID settings.

    My settings for my Kamado and rd3 are P=4 I-0.02 D=7 fan above 40% MAX =100% Start 40%
  17. Larry Naylor

    Paralyzed by options. Wanted to order a kit yesterday.

    Have you considered a assembled one? Have you gone here : I went with the 4.3 kit and added thermocouple and blower. The page then shows you what you need, i ordered the pwr supply and case. They are not hard to assemble but do need GOOD eyes, the parts are small...
  18. Larry Naylor

    Is my PI dead?

    Up date with pi removed from heatermeter and powered by a usb or a charger the pi still won't come to life so i guess its dead for sure. When pi is removed from the heater meter the voltage on the pin feeding the pi drops down to 5 volts, from 6.5 volts haven't a clue what's causing that, unless...
  19. Larry Naylor

    Is my PI dead?

    Have a 4.3 heatermeter and a pi3b+ about a year old about a month ago it started dropping wifi connection now it won't connect at all. Reloaded software and tried new sd card. Reset config will not work and only the red light on the pi lights. I have about 6.5 volts feeding the pi on pin 2&4 on...
  20. Larry Naylor

    Heater Meter Newbie Help

    Don't know if you ordered the probes yet but pay attention to the temp rating of the probe and also the CABLE. I melted the seal on my thermo works thermocouple probe rated about 550 and cable 220 degrees

