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  1. G

    HeaterMeter Monitor and ESP8266/ESP32 Streaming Library

    Got the code built (which was harder than it should have been because I am not familiar with this development environment). Ended up needing a few extra libraries TaskScheduler, ESP8266WiFi, ESPAsyncTCP, ArduinoJson. Also struggled a bit because I picked the wrong board type (D1 vs D1 mini)...
  2. G

    Thermocouple Noise When Using 2.4G Wifi

    Pretty interesting results. And credit you are amazingly tenacious trying to figure this out. Since you have the AD8495 shorted out, seems hard to believe it is input noise, is it worse with a probe? Wonder if this is the RFI rectification issue described by AD? Years ago when chasing a similar...
  3. G

    Stable firmware release v15

    That's a pretty impressive change log. Thanks for sharing your work, appreciate all that you do!
  4. G

    Reverse Voltage fried my HeaterMeter

    Well, if it works, it's probably good. Perhaps the polarized capacitor C12. In theory, D3 should have protected the other components. Perhaps check Q2 if you care about the buzzer. Wonder why D3 is not before the 12v feed to rest of board? Perhaps did not want the voltage drop?
  5. G

    Fan is always on, HELP! version 4.3

    To he blue wire is the fan tachometer. Good chance you blew the tachometer output when you hooked it to 12V as the are normally open collector outputs. The fan should still work fine.
  6. G

    HM4.3 Erratic Behavior

    That would be weird, but a win is a win.
  7. G

    HM4.3 Erratic Behavior

    At the risk of sending you on a wild goose chase, the following thread a user reported an intermittent short on one of the 0.1uF caps. You might try pulling those caps and see it it corrects issue.
  8. G

    Feature Spotlight: LidTrack Smarter Lid Mode Detection

    Sounds pretty cool. Thanks for your continued innovation. Looking forward to trying it!
  9. G

    Killed 2 Pi Zero W today :( Why?!

    Soldering looks nice and clean. Nice work. Did you test the PIs standalone after conformal coating? Could be the cause, sometimes BGAs don't like getting coating underneath.
  10. G

    Probe 3 inop

    How about some clear photos of both sides of the HM baseboard only. Maybe someone will notice something.
  11. G

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    Nice looking graph, but it looks like you need to seal it up better because the output is barely being controlled by the heater meter fan (it is near zero output most of the time). You have all the bottom vents closed?
  12. G

    WSM 22" Adapt-A-Damper Mounting Tips

    I have the 18.5 WSM, but they are pretty similar. I think the 6CFM fan is more than enough if the airflow is not restricted. Mine is connected with 1" NPT through a 1" hole. I usually only run the 6 CFM fan at about 30%max so I would be surprised if it was not enough for the 22. If you have too...
  13. G

    WSM 22" Adapt-A-Damper Mounting Tips

    I have mine attached with a 4” piece of 1" NPT, no issues with melting.
  14. G

    it was going so well..... any tips on de-soldering?

    Fair enough, I figured you had nothing to lose by trying. Good luck on your repair, should not be too bad, just takes some patience.
  15. G

    it was going so well..... any tips on de-soldering?

    It looks to me like you could salvage that header. Use a drill bit to gently open the tops of the holes and then smooth out the top just don't go too deep that you hit the pins. I would try that first before trying to unsolder it it can be tricky to remove that many pins without damaging the board
  16. G

    Printing HM stand

    Yup, oops. Cool stand though!
  17. G

    Printing HM stand

    It looks to me like you could salvage that header. Use a drill bit to gently open the tops of the holes and then smooth out the top just don't go too deep that you hit the pins. I would try that first before trying to unsolder it it can be tricky to remove that many pins without damaging the board.
  18. G

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    Nice, mine has a very similar arrangement.
  19. G

    MG90 servo source for adapt a damper

    Another option proving to be reliable for several members are the vorpal tower pro MG90
  20. G

    PID tuning

    A P value of 20 is almost surely too high (which is probably why it seemed too twitchy). The P value is multiplied by temperature error. Fun to experiment with tunings, but hard to dial in because most smokers respond slowly, take a while to stabilize, and are not consistent due to variable...

