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  1. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    I have one of those, but I believe the shroud that goes around the valve on mine is shorter.
  2. Dave in KC

    I will just leave this here

    Both ads appear to be legit.
  3. Dave in KC

    Weber Summit Review

    He was sooooooo close. If you notice at about the 5:20 mark, he pulls down on it to make it nearly level, but just not quite enough. If he would have pulled it just a little more it snaps in place, fully level. Has this guy ever used a side burner? He doubts it can boil corn? He calls it a...
  4. Dave in KC

    Sam Club Tips for the Foreigner

    I read an article the other day about many stores choosing to discontinue using self check outs. It seems that due to simple mistakes or blatant theft- many items do NOT get scanned, costing the stores $$$. Personally, I do not care. I am using whichever method gets me out the door the fastest.
  5. Dave in KC

    Sam Club Tips for the Foreigner

    Good place to buy grill cleaner. Not a fan of any of their grills. Meat and seafood selection is much better at Costco. Members Mark Silver tequila is pretty decent for mixing and easy on the wallet.
  6. Dave in KC

    No tank scale on new Genesis models? shows the "fuel gauge," (tank scale) prominently as one of the features on the Spirits. No mention or pics of it at all for this years Genesis models.
  7. Dave in KC


    That is definitely a nice FT. Paul, where do you do your rehabs? I can't imagine trying to do that in an apartment.
  8. Dave in KC

    Very old and new! (Not mine)

    Interesting ... I have never come across the set up. Looks like so strange.
  9. Dave in KC

    Very old and new! (Not mine)

    I have never seen a burner mounted that way. There is no need for it. The crossover clearly has the slot to insert it properly.
  10. Dave in KC

    I am stumped!!!! Genesis II 310 3 burner ......calling all pro's.....the score so far is grill 1 Jim 0

    I used an impact as I typically do but it came off quite normally. I would try swapping the manifolds. I believe this will confirm your suspicions.
  11. Dave in KC

    I am stumped!!!! Genesis II 310 3 burner ......calling all pro's.....the score so far is grill 1 Jim 0

    @JimV Here are pics of the 435 that I was talking about. In the first pic, I have already removed the nut from the bolt. Second pic shows the hole in the firebox along with the nut and bolt. I am not seeing any stud that you are referring to. Is the inside of the firebox clean...
  12. Dave in KC

    I am stumped!!!! Genesis II 310 3 burner ......calling all pro's.....the score so far is grill 1 Jim 0

    I don't recall those being on a stud. I thought they were on a bolt, but my memory sucks at times. I have seen this issue a couple of times after tip-over. The igniter sparks perfectly but won't light the burner. Try adjusting the tip. Hit those nuts with some PB Blaster, a torch, and an...
  13. Dave in KC

    I am stumped!!!! Genesis II 310 3 burner ......calling all pro's.....the score so far is grill 1 Jim 0

    What am I missing here? What is preventing you from doing so?
  14. Dave in KC

    Anybody else experienced this - Full BBQ Replacement Under Warranty

    I'd much rather have a McChicken than anything on Chick-fil-A's menu. Wake me when they figure out what mayo is, get rid of the nasty waffle fries, and are open on Sunday. I can't say enough good things about Culver's though. Great food, great service, and awesome fries. Wish we had a...
  15. Dave in KC

    Unicorn Found! The Weber Flat Top FT-400

    Looking forward to seeing how it performs.
  16. Dave in KC

    Some of my Favorite Restorations I have seen on TVWBB.

    Jon's Skyline is certainly one of my fave's.
  17. Dave in KC

    Quick hitter old school Spirit 330 funky burner set up

    What are you going to do about the 2 shorter tubes?
  18. Dave in KC

    Quick hitter old school Spirit 330 funky burner set up

    I am not a fan of this setup, the OEM replacements are terribly expensive and there is only one knock off that I know of and its not much cheaper. I tried to use the standard 3 burner set up, but with no luck. The 2 center burners are slightly shorter. I will be following your experiment.

