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  1. WB Zipf

    Pay Day Rib Eyes on the Kettle

    Love the payday ribeyes! Nice sear!
  2. WB Zipf

    Some Rainy Day North Texas Ribs

    Nice ribs! Just goes to show you not even torrential down pours will keep a Texan away from his BBQ.
  3. WB Zipf

    Second Smoke on the WSM, Finally got good Ribs

    Ah yes, thoes are good looking ribs! I am glad to see your having early success on your WSM.
  4. WB Zipf

    Burgers Once Again

    Cliff, burgers never get old, especially when they are cooked and prepared as well as you did here!
  5. WB Zipf

    National Donut Day....Grill them if you got them

    That's awesome!
  6. WB Zipf

    My first smoke!

    Better than my first cooks as well. Welcome to the addiction,, um I mean club, yeah that's what I mean!
  7. WB Zipf

    Weber Summit Charcoal Grill / Grilling Center Owners Thread

    1) if your brush doesn't get it off, you can cook it off very easily in the grill setting with the coals up close. It gets hot, like screaming, turns your gunk to white ash, hot. Also, for low and slow think of cooking in disposable restaurant pans, makes clean up so much easier and no gunk on...
  8. WB Zipf

    Question for WSCG Owners

    Ok, so I had a performer and still have my 18.5" WSM. I got my WSCG to replace both. Now I have been able to replicate most my performances on my WSM with the WSCG. In fact, I find the temperature control on the WSCG far superior to the WSM. I can consistently dial in temperature settings...
  9. WB Zipf

    Fried Fish

    Looks great, but I have to admit that I would be tempted to make a taco out of that fish!
  10. WB Zipf

    Pork Tacos

    It all came together and looks fantastic!
  11. WB Zipf

    Chicken was on sale

    If you didn't finish it all and have left overs, chopped smoked chicken works great in a salad. Thoes birds are mouth watering!
  12. WB Zipf

    Honey shrimp

    Looks great! What kind of texture? If they were rubbery, then you know they were on a little long so you can adjust for the next time.
  13. WB Zipf

    Vortex Virgin?….Not Me!!!

    Love thoes wings! The CEO looks pleased too, it doesn't get any better than that!
  14. WB Zipf

    Loin back/Baby backs!

    Looking great, and you passed the test that really matters, the picky Jake test!
  15. WB Zipf

    Smoke Day #12 in Roma, Italia

    Great looking steaks! The ribs look outstanding! I love that you bring good BBQ to Rome!
  16. WB Zipf

    Smoke Day in Redding CA

    Great looking bark! I love smokeday weekend!
  17. WB Zipf

    Smoke Day Down South

    Dwain, fantastic family pictures and great looking cook! I am sure your family enjoyed it, I know I would have.
  18. WB Zipf

    Smoke Day XII in the State of New Hampshire

    Wow, Jim! Talk about going the extra mile for SM12. It all looks fantastic!
  19. WB Zipf

    WSM Smoke Day in Tennessee

    Great looking ribs, Mark. Welcome to the WSM club, it sounds like you were quite pleased with its performance on your Marian voyage.
  20. WB Zipf

    A Day Late Smoke Day!

    Phil, great job on the cooks! Was that the WSM 18.5" that you squeezed all that meat on? If so, wow, great real estate (on both the cooker and the deck) management. The food looks terrific and so does the party. I am sure you received many complements for your food and it looked like a good...

