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  1. B

    Performer cover

    Dave email me, its listed in my profile. We can work something out.
  2. B

    Overnight chuck roll.

    Tom, looks like you've got the makings of an awesome cook there. If the party goers have never had your Q then they're in for a treat! I've never taken a chuck roll to 215, but thats not saying its right. I feel for tender at 200 and then every 5 degrees, never got past 210, but like I said...
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    Stuborn Brisket, first Guru cook questions

    First let me say that I've found the evil button that deletes everything typed in the message box. The [esc] key. On my laptop its easy to hit when reaching for the ~ key, dont know if its the same for everyone, but give it a try, type in some gibberish and then hit the [esc] button and see...
  4. B

    Jerk (spice as smoke)

    Looks great JB! Great pictures also. I have a farm raised chicken in the freezer that would be a good candidate for this recipe.
  5. B

    Lighting performer

    I havent used my baskets yet, I always use my chiminey. Depending on what Im cooking, I'll fill the chiminey half or all the way full and light it with the performer.
  6. B

    Stuborn Brisket, first Guru cook questions

    Great post Kevin, and I had a nice response written until I was proof reading and somehow the g'damn page went blank, dont you love that Maybe I'll try again tomarrow when I'm not so irritated. Did I mention, thanks for the great post
  7. B

    Performer cover

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike Reynolds: Brandon, is your cover for the old or new Performer? If for the older, I may be interested. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Its for the newer performer.
  8. B

    Stuborn Brisket, first Guru cook questions

    Makes sense to me also Kevin. It was a no roll packer, and I thought the flat was a little thin, but found the thickest one in the case. It was still pretty long and skinny (had to shoe horn it between the grate handles) and it seemed to have a large point. I see what you mean about...
  9. B

    Stuborn Brisket, first Guru cook questions

    I got my guru last Friday and took the day off to play. It had been awhile since I did a low/slow brisket so I cruised over to Walmart and picked up a 14.5 lb packer. The coals were lit and meat was on by 9:30 pm Friday night. Long story short.... My temps with the pit therm clipped to the...
  10. B

    Performer cover

    I bought a cover to go with my performer also, that was last summer, and its still in the box My performer is under a covered patio also so it stays out of the weather, I suppose the cover would keep dust/dirt off of it....but who wants to look at a covered grill If you know anyone who...
  11. B

    pork loin and HH brisket

    That brisket looks very good Tim, as for the pork loin, I've never done one I liked. I've never tried brining one either though. Seems like they practicly give away whole pork loins these days, they are always on sale at my local grocery. Could you post your brine, I should give it a try.
  12. B

    Finally took the plunge!

    I hope it ships tomarrow (fri) I ordered it on Tuesday and hope to have it by next weekend. If it shows up next Monday I'll have to take a vacation day lol. Cant wait to play with my new toy. And it'll be nice to ditch the clay saucer and see what kind of fuel consumption improvement I get.
  13. B

    Pit Minder question

    Dont hesitate too long, as they have been discontinued.
  14. B

    Chuck Roll anyone?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Bryan S: I always take the tape measure with me me going to BJ's to get a roll. Weight is not your concern when shopping for a roll, the length is...
  15. B

    Chuck Roll anyone?

    Lookin good Tony! Looks like a 17lber is about the max for fitting on in one piece. Next time I'll ask for a 17lb chuck roll. All the splitting in half and doing an over/under smoke then having to rearange because the top is cooking faster, THEN having to foil gets to be alot of "monkeyin'...
  16. B

    Chuck Roll anyone?

    Tony, looking at your photos I expected the Red Eye to be darker in color because of the coffee. Maybe it was Larrys paste that made me think that, does the uncooked red eye have a strong coffee flavor? I'll be getting mine in the mail tomarrow hopefully.
  17. B

    Storing your spices

    I use the Renyolds Handy Vac (use it for everything else too) to store any spices that dont come in bottles, they are resealable and work well.
  18. B

    Northern Industrial Electric Meat Grinder

    I'm going to say thanks in advance to Toby Keil for linking me this meat grinder, the reviews for this grinder are incredible (I was sold after reading only 30 of the 120 some) I cant wait to start grinding my own burger If your in the market for a grinder read some of the reviews on this...
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    Brazilian BBQ in Rio de Janeiro

    MAN! I was looking forword to seeing some awesome photos, right up until the "point" you said you got mugged You should have traded him the camera for the memory card
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    Finally took the plunge!

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by richard garcia: Brandon: How did you justify to the wife to buy the ATC which cost more than the WSM?? I plan on approaching mine with the same idea...

