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  1. S

    Cryo Beef Round Sirloin Tip Roast

    it is from the ROUND and it is also called a Round Tip Roast.
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    Smoked Vegetables & Smoked Garlic

    Jim, I have always just done whole un-cut bulbs because I do about a dozen bulbs at a time. Do you just cut the tops for serving purposes or for another reason?
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    Smoked Vegetables & Smoked Garlic

    Tom, One of my absolute favorite veggies on the grill is Eggplant. My mother has been making roast eggplants in a weber kettle since I was old enough to remember. The way I cook them is as follows... Take a whole eggplant, a large variety, and throughly rub the outside with olive oil. I...
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    First Cook - some final questions

    Tom, When I do ribs, mostly spares but every once in a while I'll do baby back, I remove them from the cryovac about 3 hours prior to cooking them. 1) I rinse them off in the sink with plenty of cold water. 2) I trim them up nice and spiffy. 3) I pat the ribs dry with paper towels and let...
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    It's HUGE!

    Brett, Thanks for the pics... it looks like it turned out great. I love chuck rolls... Btw guys, currently, Smart & Final is at $1.55 per lb for select CRs and $1.69 per lb for choice CRs. Beef prices at Smart & Final dropped about 30% this week... Enjoy that CR, SA
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    2nd Chuck Roll

    you will often see it sold as "Boneless Beef Chuck".
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    2nd Chuck Roll

    I agree!!! I LOVE CHUCK ROLLS!!! The last half dozen that I have done... I have split them in half, into 2 10+ pound chunks, and then injector marinated them. The only reasons that I ever even cook a brisket anymore is (1) when I want sliced beef or (2) just to practice at that cut of meat...
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    Tri-Tip Price Check

    Kevin, You are absolutely correct. Tri-Tip is the cut to use to make competition chili. When I make a batch of good old Texas Red, I freeze my tri-tips for 60 minutes and then proceed to making it into little 1/4" to 3/8" cubes. TOM, Tri Tip out here will cost around $6-$7 per lb for a...
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    Time between tending to WSM

    Brian, I do atleast 1 overnight cook per week and usually it is during the work week. I sleep around 7 hours uninterrupted and it isn't because the Smoker woke me up. Here is what you need... <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>Weber Smokey Mountain <LI>Weber Chimeny <LI>Brinkman Charcoal Pan <LI>A Dual...
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    Chuck Rolls... Why put a 15-20lb hunk on the WSM?

    Doug Lax, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The logic would be the same whether it is a water smoker or not. more surface area means more dripping <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Don't get me wrong here because I AGREE WITH YOU... More surface area = Greater Ability to...
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    Chuck Rolls... Why put a 15-20lb hunk on the WSM?

    JIM, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>So I'll pass on sitting in a duck blind for the moment. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>If it is between my cute butt being on a leather chair in an office or on a plywood bench in my duck blind.... the duck blind wins everytime...
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    Chuck Rolls... Why put a 15-20lb hunk on the WSM?

    JIM, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>You stated you wanted to achieve two thing by cutting it in half, more bark and shorting the cook <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually, my comments were in reaction to an article on this site and the author's foiling, to shorten...
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    Chuck Rolls... Why put a 15-20lb hunk on the WSM?

    Jim, I get what you are trying to say about shortcuts so here comes my reply... WHY? Would there really be a difference between 2 10lb chuck rolls cooked for 15 hours and 1 20lb chuck roll cooked for 20 hours? The only differences that I could come up with would be that they 2 10lbers would...
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    Chuck Rolls... Why put a 15-20lb hunk on the WSM?

    I am the the proud owner of a 2003 model 20.35lb chuck roll and a 2003 model 21.57lb chuck roll. Both are Red with white accents. Anywho... So naturally, having never dealt with chuck rolls before, I looked at the article here,, for a little push in the right direction...
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    WSM is too nice!

    Mike Provance wrote - <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Gonna mop and turn the butts and go take a nap. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>We are a little eager beaver aren't we? Mop? Turn? Shoot, I leave like they lay without the bath. The NAP sounds like a damn good idea...
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    FYI for all you pork butt junkies... Sam's Club is back down to $.88 per lb...

    Sonny, I spent 4 days in your neck of the wood a couple of years ago for the Ucla-Bama game. The best way to put it is... I felt right at home. It was several years ago and I still have dreams about Dreamland.
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    FYI for all you pork butt junkies... Sam's Club is back down to $.88 per lb...

    Charles, <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Do you freeze some of it when on sale? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I most definitely do. I am frugal and a hoarder by nature so because I do go thru a bunch of meat.... When I find it cheap, I buy several cases. It seems...
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    FYI for all you pork butt junkies... Sam's Club is back down to $.88 per lb...

    I believe the case price was at $.82 per lb.
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    Need to know how to cook boneless loin!!

    When it comes to unenhanced pork loin, LOW & SLOW = TOUGH & DRY. Today's genetically engineered pork is so much leaner that the pork of 2 decades ago and the area it hit hardest is the pork loin. Funny thing is that all the new "premium pork" producers use a different variety of pig that isn't...
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    It must just be me but I am disappointted with the Maverick 73...

    I bought the Mav 73 about 6 weeks ago and I have to say that I am extremely disappointed with it. From the very begining, I should have sent it back but I figured "what the heck, who cares that the receiver's on/off switch doesn't work? I can take a battery out to turn it off"... Now on...

