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  1. S

    Forschner Knive Set- Which handle?

    Susan Z, The blue "fibrox" handles are Forschner's Microban handles. They are impregnated with an anti-microbial agent. While you still should clean the knives after your are done, they are an extra piece of security. I have a couple of Microban boning knives that I have for use on chicken...
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    Ribs and amount of time in foil

    and there it is... when he is doing the 3-2-1... he is using 2.0-2.5 pound baby backs.
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    Ribs and amount of time in foil

    Wow maybe I am lost here... but I always thought that 3-2-1 was the foiling technique for small-medium sized spare ribs. All the guys that I know that do 1.75 lb baby backs w/ foil do a 3-1-1 or a 2-2-1.
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    Forschner Knive Set- Which handle?

    Hi Sonny, I rose wood, fibrox and their mirco handles... I really like natural materials but the synthetics are probably a better knife handle material. You might want to try Cutlery & More... they tend to have some of the best prices around on Forschner stuff... They actually have the same...
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    First brisket advice

    John W, The dates on the cryovac are SELL BY dates and usually give a couple of days leeway. However since your are asking, I have 4 briskets sitting in my fridge right now. They are still in their cryovac. Mine are marked MAR12. Just check the date on the label. But you bought them last...
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    Anybody tried Dixie Dust?

    I know that Hawgeye's BBQ carries that rub along with many others.
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    Smokin sum ribs

    Steve, You can get the Char Broil racks at your local Home Depot.
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    How much charcoal used during a cook?

    Doug, Some of the best spare ribs that I have ever cooked have been on the WSM and they were all long cooks. The times for those cooks were all over 9 hours. I keep the temp low and render all of that intramuscular fat out of the spares. The meat doesn't fall off the bone but, with the...
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    Mr Brown rub - too spicy

    no, you didn't screw up. it is a very peppery rub. If you would like a sweeter rub, I'd recommend using 2-3 parts of sugar to every part of salt. A sample sweet rub would look like this... <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>1 CUP Turbinado Sugar (aka 'Sugar in the Raw') <LI>1/2 CUP Brown Sugar (oven dried)...
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    Been trying different commercial rubs...

    DWAIN, I retasted the OBQ Sweet and I am now of the opinion that it's unique taste is from the use of cinnamon, cardamon and clove. STEVE, I started down this path in an effort too see what some of the winning rubs taste like in an effort to create a "winning" rub. What I have learned is...
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    BRITU First Time

    DOUG, Exactly... they are very good racks tho. I like them much much more than the webers. Spyro
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    Buckboard Bacon

    Bruce, thanks for posting your results... my girlfriend was actually asking me about making bacon in the smoker on Monday. I was thinking about buying a belly but, since I have about 40 of them in the freezer, I'll do your recipe with a pork butt. Thanks again Bruce... SA
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    Been trying different commercial rubs...

    I actually already own that book... it is kind of part of the reason why I am currently testing all of these different commercial rubs. I am experimentig with my own rub but I want to see what some of the more popular or award winning rubs taste like... Then I might decide to alter my rub...
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    Been trying different commercial rubs...

    to get different ideas for my own rubs. So now I have a question about OBQ Sweet and OBQ Sweet and Heat... is that cinammon & cardamon that I am tasting? Maybe Tarragon?
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    What kind of BBQ is popular in your area?

    Jeff, Having lived in the Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego areas over the years, I whole heartedly agree that Southern Californians have no clue when it comes to BBQ. When it comes to BBQ, the style of BBQ that is most popular in Southern California is... CRAPPY BBQ. This is the land...
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    Wow!! Thank you Spyro and Jim!!!!

    Glad that you enjoyed it... I like it most the next day... the flavors have blended better and it is nice and cold. Yum. Btw, I never gave you a recipe... just some insperation... It is YOUR recipe.
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    Finding Boston Butt and Brisket

    At 2 per week, you'll need another case of butts after 5 weeks. Seriously though... Try Sam's Club, they are always doing the "shop for a day" promotion, or a place like Smart & Final. Smart & Final is a little on the expensive side, I can get slightly cheaper prices @ Sam's, but they...
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    Cryo Beef Round Sirloin Tip Roast

    here is a picture of the hindquarters... The far left of the sirloin tip, in the above picture, is where Tri-Tips come from. You will see other roasts come from the sirloin tip area as well. And yes, the sirloin tip is a more expensive beef... Btw, this is just to the best of my...
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    Smoked Vegetables & Smoked Garlic

    nope... you just take a bulb like it comes out of the ground/bag, clip any vegitation and toss it in the smoker... when it is done, it looks like this... Figures the garlic lady has a web page... Darn, she is expensive too...
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    Smoked Vegetables & Smoked Garlic

    Brad & Jim, the reason I was asking was to see if Jim was seasoning from the cut top. Garlic is cheap in California... most folks just do a couple of them. They just cut the top 1/4 off, roast the other 3/4ths and just squeeze the garlic out. There is a lady in Malibu... the garlic lady...

