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  1. J

    Blower is not working after years of function

    Check your settings, and it could be just as simply what Gary posted. If you still can't figure it out check for voltage on the Cat5 connector solder pads for blower, which should be up to 12v and servo5v
  2. J

    New probes, what/where to buy? (EU)

    Thermoworks are probably the best you can get, which those seem to be. Stay away from Maverick probes, they are more expensive and tend to fail when you least expect them to. Thermoworks are just awesome, as they have a variety of types. I use the waterproof versions that have a very thin 4"...
  3. J

    HM version 4 Rpi 3d print case

    I found a case that was made back in 2015, but im not sure what version it was for.
  4. J

    HM version 4 Rpi 3d print case

    I was able to locate the 4.2 version in my files. I will still see if I can find one somewhere
  5. J

    HM version 4 Rpi 3d print case

    Tom or Bryan would probably be best. I will look, but Im probably sure I never printed a 4.0 case and dont have the file.
  6. J

    NOOB Heater Meter Question

    But thats not his problem, even if the setting is wrong the thermocouple should behave the same as anthing else. It sounds like he has the thermocouple wires reversed. So, negative is connected to the Positive. When the temperature goes up, the actual reading goes down.
  7. J

    NOOB Heater Meter Question

    Its your thermocouple, reverse the wires
  8. J

    Noise issue

    OK, I just found the reason for the noise, and it has me stumped. So, I just finished printing a case for it and was getting it ready to be shipped when I reset the SD card back to HM stock and WiFi stock I then turned it on. I then started to experience Noise again. So I...
  9. J

    Noise issue

    It's rock solid now, what a pain in the butt this was, I never had one this bad before.
  10. J

    Noise issue

    Yep, tried different thermocouples and even just made a little load on the jack to test and still had noise. I just gave the board a good soaking in Flux remover, and connected it from my phone into the router and it seems to be running OK now. Dam, if it was just Flux on the board, I...
  11. J

    Noise issue

    OK, this one has me stumped. I am fixing someone board and on the original main board had some issues and I figured I would just re-do the whole board, which I did. I kept the thermocouple Amp, the DC/DC, and some of the other parts. I completely changed out all the resistors and caps...
  12. J

    Couple of questions

    Of If you like, you can send it to me, I will look it over and see if I can get it running for ya. Parts are free, just shipping cost nothing else.
  13. J

    Some of us are still making Heatermeters

    Yeah, since its a free upgrade from OSH, I get all my boards this way now. Yes, its pretty good. To bad RPI's are hard to get or really expensive to get, even if they are used. I have not bought any since Covid started and will probably wait until the price drops, if it ever does, to buy...
  14. J

    Some of us are still making Heatermeters

    Some new Heatermeters. These boards, I believe are called "After Dark" on OSH. I like the look of them. Two of these are spoken for, Atm.
  15. J

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    OSH park is where we ususalky get them made. Pcbway may be a better option. If you like, and you want to pay for shipping and the cost of the boards, I am getting a some soon, they are in Fabrication atm.
  16. J

    Some parts available.

    Sure, I would sale for about $5 each, and thats including shipping. My email address is
  17. J

    Probe temp and network connectivity issues

    Are you probes set correctly on UI? If they are, if you want, as I have helped a lot of others you can send me your HM and I will get it working for you and send it back. All I ask for in return is the shipping cost and if it needs any of the significant components. Resistors, caps ect.... no...

