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  1. R

    Stable Firmware Release v14

    Snapshot is installed now, I am able to DL from the online repository, thanks again.
  2. R

    Stable Firmware Release v14

    I guess the build on my SD card got corrupted over time. I wrote the latest snapshot image to the SD card with disk imager and it was able to flash the AVR and get things back up and running. Now I've just gotta go through and re-do all of the setup again. Thanks for taking the time to reply and...
  3. R

    Stable Firmware Release v14

    Thanks for reporting the snapshot is valid.... Looks like I've got something going on with my HM software build, after the flash I get blocks on the LCD like I have a blank AVR. I swapped in a different ATMEGA which booted and was working, then I tried to flash the firmware I had been using to...
  4. R

    Stable Firmware Release v14

    I tried to push the latest snapshot firmware to my HM today and it reported the following error: "Stopping LinkMeter OK LinkMeter platform is BCM2708 Loading SPI modules... AVR fuses ffd705 OK e5e698684db6ea51f348e5e8a643ced5 /tmp/hm.hex hmdude: compiled on Feb 14...
  5. R

    Instructions for the SMD part?

    I think we have some level of confusion here... The HM board itself has a place to build the SMD Thermocouple amp on it, the RDTC is an external version of the same TC amp that can be installed in the roto damper instead of on the HM board. This (RDTC BOARD) allows you to send the TC pit probe...
  6. R

    Instructions for the SMD part?

    Boards can be purchased with the SMD thermocouple amp parts pre-populated but you can also order boards without the SMD stuff, so depends on what you purchased. I can't recall off hand how well the SMD parts are marked on the board, but parts are generally pretty much marked, so you might be...
  7. R

    4.3 problems

    I agree on checking voltages, you can see the +12 and +5 marked there on the solder side of the OKI DC-DC board, start there. If correct then find the 3.3v regulator and look for +5 in and +3.3 out. Make sure you didnt put a mosfet in place of the 3.3v regulator, they look exactly the same...
  8. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    You've got an oldie there! Looks like an early RDTC implementation, all wires are internal on the final RD3 design. I have a bunch of those connectors, shoot me an email to rotodamper AT hot mail dot com, I'd be glad to throw a couple in an envelope and mail them to you. Sorry for the delayed...
  9. R

    New 4.3/ PI Zero W build problems

    Test your power at the power supply and trace until it is no longer present. Input 12VDC, then 5VDC out of the OKI DC-DC board, then 3.3V out of the small regulator IC. Hard to tell what the issue is from what you are saying, could be bad solder joint, could be a short (solder bridge), could be...
  10. R

    Which meat probes to use?

    I say hands down Thermoworks probes. I have bought a dozen or more Maverick probes, had problems with wonky readings, odd plug lengths, odd grounding issues and an early death by moisture for them all. Since I moved to a thermocouple pit probe and Thermoworks food probes I haven't bought probes...
  11. R

    weird RD3 behavior

    $hit happens... LOL Nothing blinks in the CAT5 jack on the HM board ever, that was the first clue something was odd about your situation. I agree having a CAT5 jack on the blower/servo does create the possibility this could happen, but it's rare... and I bet you'll never make that mistake again!
  12. R

    Why the damper?

    Minion works great but can be more work depending on how you configure it. I used to do what I called the "ring of fire" minion where I put a circle of steel mesh in the middle of the Fauxmado and line the coals around the outside, light one end and let the fire burn around the circle. This...
  13. R

    Airburner - HeaterMeter Success!

    I'm glad you guys are having success with the air burner. I am quite happy with the original unit I built for my bullet smoker, even after I built the RotoDamper I never replaced the air burner on the bullet. It has served me well, I get nice flat graph's so why mess with perfection! The only...
  14. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    5 years, WOW, time flies! Glad the RD3 is serving you well, mine too, years in service and still going strong....
  15. R

    HeaterMeter Hardware v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6

    I second that, I have never had a problem with the power jack... I've used all sorts of random power adapters and find it works great with most of them, please do not change it!
  16. R

    v4.0 Blower Circuit Troubleshooting

    When you say the blower voltage starts high when powered up, then trails off to 0V, is this measured from the blower ground (which is pulsed) or from a true ground? I am trying to figure out if your 12v supply voltage to the blower circuit is going away or if the ground is causing the voltage to...
  17. R

    Previously Working HM Now Won't Connect

    If you have connected to the HM Config page (via AP mode) and scanned for wireless networks, found your wifi network and connected and saved successfully then it should reconnect to that network when the HM boots. Move your wireless device back to your wireless network (away from HM AP) and you...
  18. R

    Previously Working HM Now Won't Connect

    Hard to say really, after sitting a while maybe the SD Card or WiFi adapter need to be reseated? You could try that... Beyond that you need to know if the software is actually loading on the rPi, you could plug in a monitor to the HDMI on the rPi to watch what is going on there (depending on rPi...
  19. R

    INTRODUCING: the "Roto Damper"

    I have various output adapters for the RD3 to suite many scenario's, the largest being 1" Female NPT threaded. You can run the RD3 with just the CAT5 jack connecting the servo and blower to the HM without the RDTC board in the RD3, the aux board is an option not a requirement.

