Hey Clint - good looking cheese there. I like to let mine mellow for a week or so in the fridge (vac seal it unless you want the fridge to smell like smoke - that wouldn't be such a bad thing would it?). It really evens out the flavor. Also I usually smoke mine in my biggest kettle. The...
Wow Bob - that grill full of MEAT would bring a tear to any caveman's eye. You don't fool around do you? Great looking cook - and great use of your cowboy grill...
Dude! What an awesome meal! You are the best advertisement for sous vide that I have ever seen. I hope your procedure goes well tomorrow...
Hello All,
I am finally back from my road warrioring and wanted to renew my acquaintance with my kettles. While traveling I ate at a Dick's Last Resort and had Garlic Parmesan Chicken which was very good. I decided to take a stab at adapting it for the grill and use it on wings (the...
Hello All,
Sorry I haven't' posted in a while - I have been a road warrior for the past few weeks. This week finds me in Indianapolis where I am attending training. What kind of training? Quaaaality training sir! (Please excuse me). In any case I am back on the low carb diet big time and...
Alex, that looks interesting. How do you change the height of the grill? Is there a mechanism or is it just a series of slots? Wings look great!
Clint - we love smoked cheese. I can't make it fast enough. Yours looks great. If you let it age for a week or so in the fridge (yeah good luck with that), the taste will mellow and be even more awesome...
Wow Marko - I think I have discovered your motto: "What do you cook when you don't know what to pick? Everything! That is quite a variety of food and you really hit a home run on your first at bat (and for a party too. You are a brave man my friend...
Happy birthday Bob! Perfect PP as usual (seems like you shouldn't have to cook your own for your birthday though). That cake is very creative.
Final Set of pics:
Pulled the Butt at 195 IT, Foiled it, and Parked it in a Warm Oven - Added the Peppers to the Mini and Knocked the Temp Down to 225F
Pulled the Peppers and Added Some BBBs to the Mini
Peppers Resting
Pulling the Pork
Staged for Service
Plated with Home Made Slaw...