Search results

  1. J

    Royal Oak, Walmart, 17.6# $8, From Weekly circular *****

    Betting that is an ad misprint since 8.8 lb bag normally $6.58. Picked up 10 more today, and I'd get more but I'm running out of space.
  2. J

    Royal Oak, Walmart, 17.6# $8, From Weekly circular *****

    Thanks for the tip! Just picked up 12 bags, will go back tomorrow for more.
  3. J

    Minor Cajun Door issues.

    Mine were off also, but fit tight against the opening so no leaks.
  4. J

    Grate Perimeter Temp Measurement

    Nope, and in fact most of the butts we cook are over 9 and less than 10 lb. We foil at 4-5 hours, depending on color so I'm not much help on time w/o foiling. I notice that if the foil is opened to check the meat and doesn't get sealed back tight, it takes a lot longer to finish. Never...
  5. J

    Grate Perimeter Temp Measurement

    I do mine like Harry does. Inch or two from outside edge and I hang it through the top grate and let it droop a couple inches. That way I get a little closer to an average of the top and bottom grate, but not perfectly average. 250 won't take 16 hours. We do 9 lb butts at 250 in comp and if put...
  6. J

    WSM in high winds

    I'll check the size. No, I don't refrigerate the wood.
  7. J

    WSM in high winds

    It was counter intuitive to me also and may only work if you are using a pid controller since I have all bottom vents closed. The open one has the controller fan which would prevent air exiting that vent.
  8. J

    WSM in high winds

    We had a competition this past weekend and in addition to rain, then sleet, then snow, we had winds from 25 to 40 mph!! I have two vents in the lid of my cookers and if I had the downwind vent open, the wind sucked the heat right out of the cooker but if I closed it and opened the vent pointing...
  9. J

    Butcher Injection?????

    I use it in competition but not at home. The way my pork has been scoring, I may quit using it in competition to see if it makes any difference. At home I use Harry Soo's recipe or Chris Lilly's. Known ingredients.
  10. J

    Pros and Cons with Pitmaster IQ 110?

    We have one on the team. The big negative for me is that it does not monitor and display the cooker temp. Works great other than that. We also have Aubers and DX2s. I prefer the DX for the way it controls the fan from 10% to 100%, not just on or off.
  11. J

    High heat gasket for Cajun Bandit Door?

    My CB doors fit so well I don't think you will have a moisture issue. Try it first.
  12. J

    Local Walmarts closing out 18 1/2" for $249.00

    Didn't know ours did either, but I was just in one of our Wallys and they had the new 14 1/2", just not on sale.
  13. J

    Local Walmarts closing out 18 1/2" for $249.00

    It was in store here at one of the local wallys. One of my teammates picked one up for himself.
  14. J

    Local Walmarts closing out 18 1/2" for $249.00

    If you are looking, our local wallys are selling the 18 1/2 for $249 so you might check the ones close to you. Not a big discount, but some. Now if they do the 22 1/2 for $349, I'm all over it but I haven't seen any 22s at wally.
  15. J

    WSM automatic temps controllers are they needed?

    They are not necessary but are nice for overnight cooks etc. i use them for comps because I may have as many as 4 cookers going at one time. Takes some of the pressure off if I don't have to keep checking all of them.
  16. J

    First cook on 14" WSM

    Hard to say exactly what is going on, but I used my new 14 last weekend. I started it, themp went to 300, put the ribs on and temp fell to 240, I adjusted for awhile and then it leveled at 275 to 280 and I was using water in the pan. I had thermometer mounted through the grommet. The top vent...
  17. J

    Flat on my new 14.5 WSM

    Many times a dry brisket is under cooked, as strange as that sounds. I also got the Amazon deal and am very impressed with the little guy. Your brisket looks great to me. We are always very critical on ourselves. I'll bet anyone that tries it will love it. We get spoiled with good bbq.
  18. J

    Why you light it like you do?

    12 - 14 for me generally. My dome thermometer turned into another top vent. No problem getting temp up now. My quest now is for the molded lid damper handles. Tired of burning my fingers since I seem to be too dumb to remember the vent is also hot.
  19. J

    Why you light it like you do?

    I really can't tell any difference other than the Kingsford smell I get from briquets in general. Also, I don't put wood on until I put the meat on then add a chunk every hour or so if I am really conscientious about it.
  20. J

    Why you light it like you do?

    Generally B but last weekend I did A. Seemed to work just as good, but for comps we always do B. This always is enough heat from the briquets to start the cook as well as lite the coals without any big overshoot, especially when the cold meat is put on. That is why I seldom worry about the...

