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  1. J

    SYD - an entire KCBS Comp on a single 12" mini WSM

    "After judging, I plan on stopping by for his post-cook critique." See if you can get him to post his critique on his website or on here. Would love to read it. What an accomplishment that would be to cook all 4 on a mini. He is "The Man" with Webers, though.
  2. J

    Cajun kettle conversion kit question

    Thanks. Pulled the trigger yesterday on one.
  3. J

    Cajun kettle conversion kit question

    Has anyone done the Cajun conversion kit to convert the 22" kettle into a WSM? If so, what are your impressions?
  4. J

    How long is the REAL shelf life of ground new mexico Chile pepper

    Rule of thumb is that a ground spice is good for 6 months. I'm sure it will last some longer than that, but most spices aren't that expensive so why not rotate them out. I date mine when I get them so I will know for sure.
  5. J

    Brisket Slicing Question (against the grain)

    I was taught to make a small notch in the sides of the brisket to show the direction of the grain so when it is rubbed and cooked you will know the direction. One will be in the thin end of the flat generally on the corner and the other will be close to the point on the opposite side.
  6. J

    Lets Talk Flavor Profiles - First Comp questions.

    Try not to offend anyone. By that, I mean you have to cook for the middle ground. Some people like spicy, some like sweet, etc. Any spice, sauce, rub, or heat should be a compliment to the meat, not the primary flavor.
  7. J

    Weber at the American Royal

    We had 4 of those. There were a lot. Even if a team had say a Jambo, many also had a WSM.
  8. J

    Entered my first Competition..

    Figure about 30 minutes to prep the ribs. Apply rub about an hour before going on cooker, then your cooking time. Give yourself sufficient time, depending on the temp you cook at. 275 is a good temp for ribs.
  9. J

    DigiQ DX2 new user

    We have a DX II as well as Aubers and Pitmaster. I prefer the DX II, so much that I have another on the way. I feel that it has better fan control rather thqn just on or off, plus you can damper the fan if you need to. You will love it for overnights.
  10. J

    Entered my first Competition..

    You might want to try the marinating at home first. That is pretty long to marinate. Chicken and skin can get rubbery if you marinate too long. Not familiar with that exact recipe so can't say for sure. I tried just regular italian dressing overnight and it was rubbery. I brine with Oakridge...
  11. J

    Entered my first Competition..

    Depending on temperature, 3-2-1 may be too long. At 275 2 hours unfoiled, 1 1/2 foiled, then start checking tenderness every 15 minutes is what we do for comp ribs. When tender, sauce and put back on at little or no heat to set the sauce for about 15 minutes. Can't help with the timing of the...
  12. J

    Entered my first Competition..

    Start the ribs on top. When the bark sets, they shouldn't drip on chicken below and might even have them in foil by the time you need to put the chicken on.
  13. J

    comp style chicken

    Forget the Parkay, use real butter.
  14. J

    Competition Practice Run- FEEDBACK WANTED

    Parsley only. Used to use lettuce under parsley but it was too tall so eliminated the lettuce. Much easier without it. I still get a little sauce on the lid but that hasn't hurt the scores, plus the judges like a full box, as full as possible.
  15. J

    Competition Practice Run- FEEDBACK WANTED

    Here are my boxes from last weekend for comparison. All 9's except for 4 8's and that may have been the judges opinion of the meat appearance rather than box.
  16. J

    Second BBQ contest with some success

    Great going!
  17. J

    Competition Questions from a Noob

    We take a plastic storage bin for a sink and fill an igloo cooler with hot water at home. It will stay hot a long time. Try to simplify everything as much as possible i.e. use disposable items that don't need washing, etc. I put my sauces in a Nalgene bottle, they don't break when you drop them...
  18. J

    Do you rub?

    Thinking back, I believe most of the calls we have gotten in ribs this year came from ribs I thought I had overcooked. Everyone, including judges loves them fall off the bone, even if they won't admit it. You almost have to cook to falloff the bone since they do tighten back up a bit when they...
  19. J

    Saw a post for Maverick ET-733 on the Brethren

    You might check out the new Thremoworks ChefAlarm. Ordered one but haven't gotten it yet. I actually use my ET 7 more than the 732. No particular reason other than to wear it out before I start on the 732.
  20. J

    Maverick 732 probe "repair"...

    Wonder if the probes for new 733 will be better?

