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  1. M

    New larger wsm?

    Keep the 14" and get the 22". I started out with a 18" and then got a 14". I no longer have the 14", but I do wish (a lot times) that I had the 22" instead of my 18". The 22" will give you so much flexibility and room with your cooking over the 18". What's a little more charcoal?
  2. M

    Anyone have any pics of DIY Hanging Rack for 18" or 22"

    Robert, What size stock pot is that on top of the WSM? And, I'm guessing the WSM lid fits on the stock pot?
  3. M

    Anyone have any pics of DIY Hanging Rack for 18" or 22"

    Nice! One of my favorites too! Thank you!
  4. M

    Anyone have any pics of DIY Hanging Rack for 18" or 22"

    Here's some: Thanks.
  5. M

    Anyone have any pics of DIY Hanging Rack for 18" or 22"

    It looks like the Weber hanging rack (#7472) for my 18" is no longer available from Weber or Amazon, so I'm thinking of making my own. There are a few posts here of people with a DIY hanger, but photobucket is blocking those pics. Does anyone have an pics they can share? If you've got a good...
  6. M

    Simple Cart & Shelf for 18" WSM

    I got tired of picking up my WSM to move it; having to use my home depot TV tray as a table; and no place to put the lid. I made this simple cart from 3.5" fence pickets, a 2x3x8 stud, 2 folding shelf brackets, and some casters. Here it is with the shelf folded down. Shelf Up Utility...
  7. M

    The side light method - The most effiecient way to light a charcoal smoker or grill

    Why does the body and lid have to be on when using this method? Is there a significant difference if you do it with the lid off?
  8. M

    WSM 14.5, want to try a brisket

    A 10-12lb brisket will around 18-20" long. I would definitely NOT cut it in half. I'd watch Aaron Franklin's video on youtube on how to trim a brisket. Then, instead of cutting in half, cut a few inches off each end so that the brisket will fit the 14.5. Now the edges of the brisket will...
  9. M

    New 14" WSM Owner

    I recently got a 14" WSM and after maybe 3 cooks, the temp finally stabilized and I was able to control the temps better.
  10. M

    My CL Score - $50 for 22" Performer

    I've got a 14" & 18.5" smokey mountain and a 6 burner Summit Gas grill (and a smoky joe - not sure if that counts). I knew I was weak in the charcoal department already and confirmed it when I tried converting my 18.5" smokey mountain into a charcoal grill by raising the charcoal rack to the...
  11. M

    Got 14.5" WSM for $100 - Clearance at Walmart

    Last Friday, one of the Walmarts here in Sacramento, CA had the 14.5" WSM on clearance for $100. I didn't buy it at the time because I already have a 18" and I also built a mini WSM. But, i got to thinking about what a great price it was, so Saturday morning I got up early hoping they would...
  12. M

    Low and Slow Ribs on Q320

    The pellets seemed to impart a slight smokiness to the ribs. I did a previous slab about 2 weeks ago with no pellets and the ribs directly on the grill grates. Those were good, but this round with the pellets added more flavor and color. The pellets didn't smoke up a ton, but they did smoke a...
  13. M

    Low and Slow Ribs on Q320

    I'm working on some ribs right now on my Q320. Instead of foil as a heat shield, I'm using my grillgrates. I'm also using some expanded metal on top of the grillgrates to hold the ribs. Using just the middle burner on "4", I've got it settled in at 250 degrees. I sprinkled a few pellets on...
  14. M

    What's your favorite type of Grate, and why?

    I used to think the solid stainless steel rods on my summit were the best. And then my wife surprised me with a set of grill grates. Until you try the grill grates, you will not understand how awesome these are.
  15. M

    Which one of you wiseguys is selling this "like new" grill?

    That's funny. Here's one I shake my head at from my local CL. It's a square "Weber", used once also.
  16. M

    Old Silver A vs. Q300?

    I have an old Silver A that I bought it for $25 awhile ago. I also have a 6 burner Summit, which is my "real" grill and I use it when I have to cook for the family. I like having the smaller Silver A for small cooks as I don't have to fire up the beast (Summit) for just a couple of items...
  17. M

    How to Deal with Rust

    The rust appears to be very minor. But, if you want to remove it, try using a green scotch brite pad to get it off. Then oil the grate or spray with Pam. Since the grate is cast iron and prone to rust, I would spray the whole grate. Also, be sure to rotate the grates every now and then.
  18. M

    How to Deal with Rust

    I use Pam cooking spray. Give it a light spray before and/or after your cooks. Over time, it will build up a protective layer.
  19. M

    A mod for 1st generation Gensis owners

    Have you noticed any increase in the time it takes to get the grill heated up? Does it take longer now with the tiles?
  20. M

    Has the 2200 Fixed Regulator Issues

    I did this mod to my Q200 today. I went to home depot and got the parts - LFA-182 (3/8 FL x 1/4 MIP) and LFA-734 (1/4 FIP x 1/8 FIP). I also got a Brinkman hose with regulator. I tried it first without any thread sealant and it leaked. I then used some yellow pipe thread sealant and the...

