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  1. J

    Bobby Flay - I take it all back!

    OH-MY! The CHAIRMAN aint gonna like this!
  2. J

    Waterpan Refill

    I use the standerd pan and I have found that after the first 3- 3 1/2 hours it needs filling or it will boil with the little bit of water left in it. But I have found that after that it goes longer with out needing a refill. Why?-I have no idea. I think Bryans answer makes sense.
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    A couple brisket questions.

    Thanks kevin I think that confirms what I suspected, Id check the meat at 180 and then about every 7 degrees there after. I wasnt rechecking often enough and missing that narrow window of oppertunity. I have only cooked whole untrimed briskets with a 1/2" fat cap on the flat.The one I ruined...
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    A couple brisket questions.

    I have tried cooking brisket before with mixed success. I have two questions. 1.I never rely on meat temps for determining doneness. But at what temp should I really start to check the meat for its consistency. 2.How often from that point should I be checking the meat. Thanks Jim
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    Leg of die for

    Steve Sounds good.One question though. Since it was a bonless leg, was it cooked feleted or bundled and tied? Im assuming at 325* for 2.5 hours it was bundled. Your like me 130* -135* is medium rare. So many follow directions that suggest 145- 150 which I consider closer to medium done. Jim
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    Wood for Baby Backs

    Chad Pre burning wood can cut down on some bitter flavors. Fresh wood applied smoulders giving off some creosol(spelling). I use only cherry wood and apply it- as is to the coals and have not noticed a problem. It might make a bigger difference with stronger woods (mesquet, hickory)and...
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    Who's Smoking the Weekend 4/2-4/4?

    Sunday, Spare ribs cooked over cherry wood.
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    Greasy water

    I have a 5 gal plastic bucket with lid. I drilled some 3/4 inch holes around the rim (just under were the outside of the lid would sit when it is closed) to allow evaporation. Then I do pretty much what Doug discribed. I mix the ash and water together and put the lid on. After 3 days the mix is...
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    Where did I go wrong? World's slowest bbq

    Suzan When I have cooked pork but and brisket the meat temps ussually hit the 140 mark at 1hour-2:30 I know you didnt have a thermometer. It deffinitly sounds like your bullet temps were well bellow 200. Meat temps rize very slowly when the cooking enviroment is at or bellow your target meat...
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    Crispy Chicken Skin on WSM?

    And that is why I dont bother to use my wsm for chicken. I find its easier to maintain higher temps on a grill with an inderect heating methode. True it doesnt get as much smokey flavor but the skin comes out great. I agree with Paul and clay. For my taste and the way I expect the skin to be...
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    1st Try with Minion Method - A Disaster!

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The temp got out of control after about 2 hours - with all the bottom vents closed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Dave How far into the cook did you close all bottom vents and how much time did you wait before you cracked the lid. If it...
  12. J

    Last Pork Shoulder Question - Really!

    Doug I dont know if this is in time for you. You can pull it if your going to Double wrap it in foil. The temp should continue to climb internally for a while. What I do is after wrapping,I place in cooler news paper on the bottom ,a sheet of foil on the paper, 2 bricks (pree heated on my gas...
  13. J

    Two more shoulder questions - Thanks for your patience!

    Doug I would put the heavier one on the top rack. There is ussually a 10-20 * difference between top and bottom cooking grates (top higher).Just bear in mind not all shoulders are equal -some have more fat and will stay in that temperature platau longer than others. As for pulling your...
  14. J

    Offset vs H2O

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I'm trying to decide between the offset style or an H2O style like the WSM. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Bob dont waste your money on other H2O smokers either. Ive used different ones and the WSM is the only one that truley works...
  15. J

    Minion Method on a non-bullet?

    Some of those types of grills have holes in the side of the lid or slots for rotisory setups. If yours does, this could be a place for more air to be drafted into the grill(other than intake dampers). This could cause unlit coals to lite more readilly giving you a mass of glowing coals instead...
  16. J

    Maverick ET-73 mounting ???

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>My ET-73 came with a small wire clip to hang it from something <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Me thinks Matt is refering- not to the probe clip but rather the thin wire like clip wich is for hanging the unit. I use it to hang it off one...
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    Smoked Lamb Shanks

    Don The flavorings (marinade) do work fine on leg or shish kabobs (its based on my grandfathers so my family has been doing this for 50 some years). I would not cook a leg to anywear close to 195* Its a better cut and should really only be cooked medium -medium rare (135-145*) It will dry out if...
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    Thank you, Mr. President!

    Wait till you pay your state, local taxes and natural gas bills next year. You might want to hang on to that check.
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    First try on Sunday... A Few Questions

    Pecan should be a good choice for your ribs.Ive read in bbq books that many compitition cooks prize this wood for pork. I cant get it here in michigan-have to mail order it. I dont think I would think twice about using it if I had it. Jim
  20. J

    Maverick ET 73 Good Report

    Ive had one problem, not a big one. The little rubber gasket on the back of the transmiter (I think its for moisture resistance) keeps popping out every time I open it. I have to sit there and try to get it back into the slot that "holds" it in place. Since I will use a bag when it rains anyway...

