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  1. PaulFisher

    HeaterMeter working, however only when holding in my hand

    Hello everyone, I finally got my hetermeater put together today. It is the 4.0 with RaspberryPi. The only issue I'm having and I'm hoping it's something simple is that the probes only register and work when I'm holding the whole device in my hand. As soon as I set it down it says No Pit...
  2. PaulFisher

    HM v4.1 3D printed case

    For the 4.0 case do the LED's and button need to be raised off the board when soldering? Thanks
  3. PaulFisher

    Better probes?

    I bought the termoworks probes for my new heater meter, is there a guide on how to put in the correct coefficients? Thanks
  4. PaulFisher

    Question on installing the resistors

    Nevermind I found the part, it was hiding. Thanks Bryan!
  5. PaulFisher

    Question on installing the resistors

    Hello everyone again. I'm in the middle of soldering the parts on and I'm to the part where it says install the Raspberry Pi GPIO Header. I don't exactly know what that is. Did that come with the Raspberry Pi or is that one of the other parts?
  6. PaulFisher

    Question on installing the resistors

    Thanks guys it makes a lot more sense after looking at the PCB board and the parts. They all match up, I was confused about the designation on the board such as R15390 but it seems that the R15 just stands for the board location and the resistor I need is 390. I'm such a newb at this. Appreciate...
  7. PaulFisher

    Question on installing the resistors

    Hey everyone I just got all the parts for my 4.0 heater meter I'm very excited to hopefully build it this week. I have a very simple question I hope. Looking through the assembly page it has details in the installation, do I just need to follow the correct colors as the pictures or is there...
  8. PaulFisher

    HeaterMeter v4.1 PCB now available

    My 4.0 board just shipped a couple of days ago from OSH. I guess I'm stuck with that.
  9. PaulFisher

    HeaterMeter v4.1 PCB now available

    I just about have all my parts for the 4.0 assembly, are the directions the same?
  10. PaulFisher

    HeaterMeter v4.0 for RaspberyPi / Standalone

    I just ordered all the parts from Mouser and some are on Backorder until mid January. Sucks.
  11. PaulFisher

    Need help figuring this all out

    Thanks Tom which ones do you have?
  12. PaulFisher

    Need help figuring this all out

    So what would be the best probes to get at this point? From what I've read the Mavericks aren't very good and don't last very long. I just ordered all the parts so I should have this thing together hopefully before Christmas. Thanks guys
  13. PaulFisher

    BBQ Guru Fan and Adpater?

    Joe did you ever try this out? I would like to do this project but I'm not sure how to mount the recommended blower to my WSM so I was looking at the Pit viper fan as well. Thanks
  14. PaulFisher

    Need help figuring this all out

    Hey everyone, I have read most of this forum but I'm still having trouble figuring all this out. I am very good with computers but I have never soldered anything before. From what I understand for the heater meter I need the raspberry pi and the other parts listed on the github page. I suppose I...
  15. PaulFisher

    **New Maverick ET-733 set to release soon........

    Can you tell me what slot mod you are talking about? I just ordered the 733 and I would prefer to not kink the cords in the lid. THanks
  16. PaulFisher

    WSM Chicken Legs Suggestions

    I would just foil the water pan.
  17. PaulFisher

    Independence Day Brisket for the Family

    Looks Delicious!!
  18. PaulFisher

    When to carve turkey?

    So here's the deal. I'm smoking a 13 pound turkey for the family then we are driving to the lake to spend Thanksgiving where the turkey will be eaten. There will probably be about a period of 2-3 hours in between when the turkey is finished smoking and the actual dinner is eaten. Should I let...
  19. PaulFisher


    Thermapen, latex gloves, and extra long tongs for arranging coals
  20. PaulFisher

    iGrill with 2 probes $72

    I just got the iGrill a few days ago. I bought the one from Amazon and it comes with two probes. The probes are identical so they can be interchanged between food and smoker temp if you like. I haven't used it in a real cook yet but just tried it outside and it seemed to work great. I love...

