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  1. PaulFisher

    Anything but Ribs..

    Great looking brisket!
  2. PaulFisher

    New iGrill

    Just got the iGrill delivered yesterday and tried it out it in the house. Seems to work terrific from what I have seen so far. I have it connected to my iPadand the range is great, much improved over my Maverick ET73. The graphing feature is nice as well. Can't wait to use it on a real cook.
  3. PaulFisher

    WSM ribs-no water pan

    Same here. Ribs look great!
  4. PaulFisher

    Bone pork chops and Cheesy rice and broccoli

    Looks fantastic!
  5. PaulFisher

    Father’s Day Brunch

    Looks delicious!!
  6. PaulFisher

    Weber Performer from Craigslist

    Yup, that's what I do as well. Looks like a great deal!!
  7. PaulFisher

    Beef Tenderloin

    Looks fantastic!!
  8. PaulFisher

    Caste Iron Grates recommendations? Updated!

    Those CrayCourts look very nice however I'm wondering how much of a pain it is to take them out to use the starter on the performer? Doesn't seem ideal.
  9. PaulFisher

    Ribs have blackened look

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K Kruger: Sugar won't caramelize at those temps. What it will do is melt. If there is substantial sugar melting and substantial smoke to stick to the...
  10. PaulFisher

    Finally reached rib perfection

    Great job! Ribs are always tough for me, I usually overcook them.
  11. PaulFisher

    2nd Boston Butt

    I've had butts that go well over 200 that aren't really done yet. Just have to wait it out.
  12. PaulFisher

    Results of my first WSM experience

    Looks great!
  13. PaulFisher

    Friday Night Steakage

    Looks great except for the Bud Light!
  14. PaulFisher

    My first Tri Tip...last night's supper

    Looks great to me!
  15. PaulFisher

    How to grill Steak

    Kevin, I cook on a Performer, how much charcoal would you recommend using for a couple or 3 steaks? I typically use about 3/4 chimney and it seems I always overcook my steaks because it usually gets to about 450-500 in the performer. THanks
  16. PaulFisher

    Can briquettes be reused?

    I typically never use leftover. I just let it burn away to nothing.
  17. PaulFisher

    Weeknight babyback smoke

    They sure do look good. Did the meat fall off the bone or was there some pull to it?
  18. PaulFisher

    Standing rib roast...oh boy...

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jim Lampe: looks good paul. did you grill with charcoal, gas...? oven? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> WSM with charcoal
  19. PaulFisher

    Standing rib roast...oh boy...

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Lew: Looks great! How did you cook it? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Smoked in my WSM with 2 chunks of pecan wood. Temp was about 325-350 for about 2.5 hours...
  20. PaulFisher

    Standing rib roast...oh boy...

    7 pounder last weekend. Before: Uploaded with After: Uploaded with Best prime rib I've ever had.

