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  1. L

    All night butts!

    Looking at all the pics from Saturday and not one pic of the pork after it was pulled. I have to admit the rain and wind killed me all night and I almost gave up but it turned out great!! Everyone ate 2nds and 3rds lol. Thanks for all the kind words y'all. This is really turning into my hobby.
  2. L

    PP with high expectations.

    Wow that's some great work!!!!
  3. L

    All night butts!

    It was pulled off the smoker at 12.5hrs with an IT of 182 then covered and rested for 1hr then pulled. They came out great the best I've done yet!!
  4. L

    All night butts!

  5. L

    All night butts!

    The rain has been giving me a hard time the last few hrs. Just gonna do my best to deal with it.
  6. L

    All night butts!

  7. L

    All night butts!

  8. L

    All night butts!

    Gonna smoke a couple butts tonight! 0hrs
  9. L

    18.5 Rib Racks

    Tony, Can you get 2 of those on the top rack of a WSM 18.5?
  10. L

    18.5 Rib Racks

    What Rib Racks do y'all use with the WSM 18.5? Thanks Lance
  11. L

    Louisiana Noob

    Houma LA. Thanks for the kind words.
  12. L

    The Minion Method ??

    I've been doing the can trick and it seems to work ok so I will stick with it for this weekends cook because we're feeding a few people and I don't wanna deal with unexpected problems.
  13. L

    The Minion Method ??

    I did forget to tell y'all what coal I'm using didn't I?
  14. L

    The Minion Method ??

    I have a 18.5 WSM and have been using the Minion Method by putting a open bottom can in the center of the charcoal ring then putting hot coals in the can and pulling the can out the center. Now I'm seeing a lot of people just put unlit coals in the charcoal ring then spread the hot coals on top...
  15. L

    Louisiana Noob

    Tony Thanks for the warm welcome. We're doing chicken tonight.
  16. L

    Louisiana Noob

    Sauce Belly "LOL"
  17. L

    Louisiana Noob

    8-hrs 12-hrs
  18. L

    Louisiana Noob

    0-hrs 4-hrs
  19. L

    Louisiana Noob

    Hi All the wife and I decided to try our hand at smoking some meat. We decided to pick up a Brinkman Smoke-n-Grill and try a Boston butt while it came out great it was sliced pork instead of pulled pork but delicious none the less. So we immediately decided to go pick up a Weber SM and we are do...

