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  1. J

    Kickstarter project: Open Source Food Safety Model for Charcuterie

    Thanks Chris. I think..... this could push me over the edge.
  2. J

    Bacon made easy

    Well said, Geir. Furthermore, if you make bacon using Cure #1 and see the actual amount of pink salt used, then consider what a small fraction of that is actually nitrate, it's practically insignificant (in terms of quantity, not quality) in the final product.
  3. J

    Bacon Question... Curing concern..

    I think that's "salt pork". Great answer GreggP.
  4. J

    Makin Bacon - I hope !

    Glad to hear it turned out, Sheila! I don't believe bacon has a grain - it looks the same sliced on either side, so I generally go whichever way fits in my slicer best.
  5. J

    Makin Bacon - I hope !

    If you think it's too smoky, let it rest for a day or two before you try it again. If it's still too strong, you're going to need some dry ice and a cooler. Next step: ship it to me.
  6. J

    Bacon Cook

    I pull at 152, although I can't recall why that exact number off the top if my head. You need to cook it enough that it slices easily, but not so much that any fat renders.
  7. J

    Question on Curing Pastrami

    It makes sense that the curing process wouldn't speed up. I generally use 1-2 gallon ziploc bags for dry curing and Cambro containers for wet. I go through enough foodsaver rolls with the finished products!
  8. J

    Question on Curing Pastrami

    I've wondered about that, since a vacuum is supposed to speed up a marinade. I don't know if anyone has actually tested this.
  9. J

    Converting recipe to brine?

    I would use Martin's curing calculator (stickied in this subforum) and just add whatever aromatics and seasonings you like. Just include the weight of the water so that you have adequate amounts of nitrate and salt.
  10. J

    Sous Vide Pork Rib Chop (Technically not BBQ)

    Neat cook and beautiful Los of pork. Thanks for the Serious Eats link..... I think.
  11. J

    Am I safe here?

    I enjoyed reading Ruhlman's book, but I use Martin's calculator every time. I hated having to soak the salt out of something I just spent days curing.
  12. J

    Smoking a whole schinken (Ham) German/Austria Style

    Don't tell anybody, but I use a kitty litter bucket that I washed out until the perfume smell goes away.
  13. J

    **Bacon on the Pellet Pro 22" WSM**

    Did you vacuum pack merely for convenience? 9 days is a long cure for belly, and I'm just wondering if a Foodsaver might cut the curing time down. I typically do 5 days for a wet cure and 6-7 for dry. It would be interesting to see what a piece of belly looks like in 3-4 days under vacuum.
  14. J

    Smoking a whole schinken (Ham) German/Austria Style

    This isn't the country ham that Larry was talking about, but here's one I did:
  15. J

    Throwdown #14: Carne Asada

    Congrats Tony and everyone involved. I'm just getting caught up on this and the wing Throwdowns and there have really been some awesome cooks.
  16. J

    What's Wrong With This Picture/Probe?

    Before you order a new one, try again in about a week. Mine seemed to fix itself and has been fine since.
  17. J

    What's Wrong With This Picture/Probe?

    Mine has done the same thing. The ambient temp was 200 and the meat temp was 600! I run my cords through the top vent. Since then I've started cutting a wedge out of a wine cork and running the wired through the cork, which insulated them from the heat of the lid and haven't had a problem.
  18. J

    Sriracha chicken

    That sounds great. How much Sriracha taste does the chicken take on?
  19. J

    Many Recent (and not so recent) Cooks

    Thanks for the comments! It's nice to see some old and new faces around the Photo Gallery.
  20. J

    Enchiladas verdes...( green sauce enchiladas)

    Absolutely incredible!

