Search results

  1. Russell Y

    I'm curious about online meat ordering...

    For dry aged meat at a reasonable price, you might want to try “crowd cow’. They sell one cow at a time. When a cow is ready to be butchered, groups of pieces of the cow are put up for sale. The more popular groups are gone quickly. Selected review -...
  2. Russell Y

    Best Light for Performer

    I use a high lumen headlamp. Amazon -,k:headlamp&linkCode=ll2&tag=thevirtualweberb&linkId=977160777f76143efc0a43c1d5bdee5b?tag=TVWB-20
  3. Russell Y

    Beef Tenderloin Questions

    Have you seen this - smoked beef tenderloin - in the cooking section?
  4. Russell Y

    Best Idea Ever or Greatest Swindle Ever?

    I think this product represents the entrepreneurship of what makes the USA the best country in the world. Any product you come up with (no matter how good or bad) you have the right to make it, market it and sell it. Shark Tank is also an example at a different scale. You don't need to become a...
  5. Russell Y

    This Sounds Silly But:

    What is your "desired temp"? At 250 degrees a small piece of wood has time to add smoke flavor. At 350 degrees, the wood will burn quicker. This guy -...
  6. Russell Y

    Traeger would you add one to your fleet?

    My bro-in-law has a pellet smoker, set it and forget it (for smoking). My wife says if you want a pellet smoker, go for it. Now I already have an 18 WSM(guru controlled), a charcoal weber and a gas grill so what would a pellet smoker add?. After doing some homework it seems that the pellet...
  7. Russell Y

    Auber/22 WSM Fan

    2. I am going to say that any of the fans will work. The high speed fans will bring your smoker up to temperature faster but in the end you will end up choking the higher speed fans when it comes to temperature.
  8. Russell Y

    Smoke A Rib Roast?

    A low and slow rib roast gets you evenly cooked meat throughout. With a high temperature cook the outsides will be more towards will with medium in the middle (a function of the temperature and time). With a low and slow cook, you'll want to sear or reverse sear to get a nice browning on the...
  9. Russell Y

    Okay I'm sold! Going to make a 26" Performer

    Nice. Next I envision a hole in the bottom with an attachment to a propane tank for starting up the charcoal.
  10. Russell Y

    What is the biggest Spatchcock Turkey that will fit on a WSM 22?

    Fried turkey vs smoked turkey competition this thanksgiving. My plan is spatchcock Keri apple brined turkey on a 22" WSM. Will I have any problems with a 18 pound bird? It will be a fresh turkey, would you choose a dry brine over an apple brine? Thanks for any suggestions. Russell
  11. Russell Y

    Home Water Cooler / Dispenser recommendation

    I guess my question is "How bad is your tap water?" The water bottle companies has everyone afraid of drinking tap water. If the area where you live treats the water correctly, tap water isn't all that bad. If you have some off-taste, maybe just an under sink water filter would do the trick...
  12. Russell Y

    So... anyone old enough to remember me?

    Keri's apple brined turkey is my goto.
  13. Russell Y

    Online Purchase

    Two links with additional information - Russell
  14. Russell Y

    22.5 WSM and BBQ Guru Partyq

    The volume of air on a 4-aa fan will not be that great. Using it only to moderate temperature and not to "fire up" the WSM makes sense to me. I might hack it with a 6 volt adapter so I wouldn't need to use batteries...
  15. Russell Y

    This weber is a steal!

    Too late, posting deleted.
  16. Russell Y

    This weber is a steal! Hopefully it isn't stolen. $50 - Azusa, California Good luck
  17. Russell Y

    Southern Cal: Anyone want to buy a nice classic red gas grill?

    I am a long time Weber fan and have an old 3 burner one. For the average griller, paying $150-200 for a 10 year old grill doesn't make a lot of sense. I can go to Walmart and find all sorts of brand new grills for under $150. So..... you could probably sell these classic's for $100 or less but...
  18. Russell Y

    Foodsaver Sale

    Costco - Foodsaver 1- 8"x20' Heat-seal Roll, 4- 11"x16' Heat-seal Roll and 36- 1-quart Heat-seal Pre-cut Bags for 31.99 regular 39.99
  19. Russell Y

    Foodsaver Sale

    Buy 4 of the same kind get 4 free. Also 30% off one item. Over $50 free shipping. I am going for 8 - 11x16 rolls, a 3 pack of 8x20 rolls. I put the 3 pack of 8x20 rolls in the cart first. Entered promo code of flash72 for 30% off Then I added 8 - 1pack of 11x16 rolls. itemized - 19.59 for...
  20. Russell Y

    What is the general consensus on buying in large quantities and freezing meats?

    Ahhh. Change in topic but. I just bought some prime Tritips in cryovac for $5.79 a pound (just trying to make everyone jealous). Going to food-saver them individually for cooking later. I have one of the old manual food savers and still use it occasionally when the bags just don't fit in the...

