Search results

  1. Russell Y

    tough brisket

    I might wrap in foil and in the oven at 350 until tender. Maybe a little apple juice in the foil for moisture.
  2. Russell Y

    brisket flats keep coming out dry

    Cooking flats and packers are different. I foiled my last flat and it came out good enough for me to try again. First time for foiling flat, I've had previous flat's that weren't successful. "probed out at between 186 and 196 over a couple of spots" was this the point or the flat? As they...
  3. Russell Y

    Mangal Grill

    Google - Kabob Rack None of these seem to have the handle out of the fire to keep the handle cool.
  4. Russell Y

    Weber recommendations?

    Although not perfect, you can grill on the WSM - Grilling on the WSM
  5. Russell Y

    Do I need to turn off the gas at tank?

    Turn off the gas on your tank. Come back in an hour and turn it on. If you don't hear any gas filling the hose, you have no leaks in your system and are good to leave the tank valve open. I withdraw this recommendation. Looking at 4 "gas grill propane instructions" on line, 3 of them say to...
  6. Russell Y

    Partyq, Digiq etc.

    Ahhh, the dilemmas in life. I have a BBQ Guru and use it for ribs and pork butt. My brother-in-law says the beer while watching the fire is what q'ing is all about (he's from Texas). Q'ing is an art not a science so bbq can be painted in many ways. The ultimate test is the eating. Many q'ers...
  7. Russell Y

    Mangal Grill

    So the goal is to do skewers without a grate and handles outside the fire. Do you prefer over charcoal on the one touch or gas on the genesis silver?
  8. Russell Y

    Do I need to turn off the gas at tank?

    At my house, I always turn off the gas after using. Why? Because it's easy and my 120Q is connected via a coleman T and an extra hose, multiple points of failure. The main reason for turning it off is because of leaks. What are the chances for leaks? In my case, more than other because of the...
  9. Russell Y

    Mangal Grill

    The best I can tell is Mangal is just another name for BBQ, not specifically a special type of BBQ. google - Mangal bbq So, unless you want something to look special, I'd just grill directly on your one touch.
  10. Russell Y

    Improving the crust on your steak

    The author's instructios are derived from here - she provides a link in her article. It brings a technique to light but is very sparse in details. My guess is her expectation is, after reading her article, you are going to click the link to get...
  11. Russell Y

    Quick Tri-Tip Question

    That's one of the benefits and pitfalls of a tritip. It's irregular shape makes it difficult to cook it evenly throughout. If you want it evenly cooked you could try reverse sear at 225,
  12. Russell Y

    Smoking ribs

    Ribs - back ribs or spare ribs? Do I treat them the same? - no, different meat different method of cooking Wrap? - yes/no, you're going to have to do a little homework to decide what's best. I myself have never foiled spare ribs. Foiling accelerates the cooking due to the steam effect. Foil too...
  13. Russell Y


    If I do a rib roast, reverse sear at 225, I can get a roast medium rare all of the way through. Cooking the same roast at 350, I get a roast medium rare in the middle, then a section of medium and finally medium well on the outside. So, the lower you cook, the more evenly you heat the...
  14. Russell Y

    My Mini WSM...with my poor skills

    I have a smokey Joe waiting in the garage. It's been sitting there for a few months. You're cooking on yours, I am jealous.
  15. Russell Y

    'Newbie' charcoal lighting/ temperature control question

    Temperature is a function of fuel and air. If the temperature is too low either the is not enough air or not enough fuel. In the case of a WSM with water, water boils at 212 turns into steam and brings down the temperature. Removing the water as suggested should work. 270 for 1.5 hours sounds...
  16. Russell Y

    WSM as a grill...

    From the non-forum site
  17. Russell Y

    Cut-Resistant Glove Recommendations?

    The question is how often are you going to use them and for what purpose. 8 hours a day in a meat packing plant? Occasionally in a home kitchen? Prevents injury from chainsaw? Keeps me from getting cut when cutting onions? A steel mesh glove will protect you but it sure costs a lot.
  18. Russell Y

    Cut-Resistant Glove Recommendations?

    I have some similar to these - Cheap, slice proof not puncture proof. The kevlar is what protects you.
  19. Russell Y

    Weber Skyline rejuvenation

    The hose I have seems in good shape. Thanks for the post, my Lowes has one in stock.
  20. Russell Y

    Weber Skyline rejuvenation,d.cGE I'll be removing the old regulator and connector and be...

