Never tried the snake method because it messes with my style of cooking. I do the offset minion method. No water. I also foil the coal grate that is not used. This basically forces the fresh air coming from the bottom to go through the coals rather than going straight up through the kettle and...
Well, the throat spray numbs things. But yea, gloves are mandatory when dealing with hoy stuff, even eating. One wipe on the eyes not thinking can be a serious thing. So try to make gloves a mandatory practice.
I found a small griddle that would work on my q220. Enough clearance to not worry about. Have not seen one to fit on the gga though. Thats mighty small. Maybe just use a small cast iron pan ?
Im not hell bent on them not being powder coated. Im just going on my experiance. And i have never read anything from weber calling them powder coated. Just because i havnt heard it doesnt make it untrue but i just question until im convinced. Fustrating ? Sure, but i gotta see the evidence. Its...
Mine was bought new in 2005 ? And even back then folks were talking about the finish. Weber replaced the lid. I tried a corner with my thumbnail, yup, soft. Only now do i start reading about powder coating. Has anyone heard from weber what it is they use ? I havnt.
Well, why are the coating on the lids so easily taken off ? Why was my lid soft when heated up. Developed bubbles and other issues. This is not powder coating.
In a post long ago i showed my fix. Just wrapped a piece of aluminum from a can. Then cut slots and made fingers to hold it on the tube. But another issue is that to much wind comes up the holes on the bottom of the housing. I noticed that in germany they put a shield betwweent the holes and the...
If i need an electric grill i just use on of my farberware grills. Works fine. But i still would like to find 3 qs. A q1200, a charcoal q and an electric q. But im cheap so probably never will get them. My new toy is a 22 blackstone griddle. Way to much fun.
Arent webers more expensive in australia ? But i seriously doubt they do something special to webers for australia. Anyone in australia feel a red q top ?