Search results

  1. Bryan Mayland

    New Raspberry PI Pico Microcontroller - RP2040

    There will be no migration to this because its not useful at all (as a HeaterMeter). It lacks features of both the Pi and the ATmega needed to be in parody with the current system. It doesn't have the wifi, the ram, CPU power, nor the storage capabilities of a Raspberry Pi. It doesn't have...
  2. Bryan Mayland

    Heatermeter Repair Services

    haha "two weeks" yeah. I had a trip to Canada planned end of May and thought hey that's like two months from now, I'm sure this will all be wrapping up by then. If there's a problem with a pre-soldered unit from the store, I'll definitely repair them. They're all tested before they go out the...
  3. Bryan Mayland

    HM doesn't fit!

    haha so wee! The only Weber smaller than that is the one on the HeaterMeter circuit board that Boxy the robot is watching. Errr I mean the legally distinct generic grill on the circuit boards. How hot can you get that grill before it starts smoking more than what's inside? :LOL:
  4. Bryan Mayland

    Stable firmware release v15

    No, better integration with webui to be able to set it up is coming down the line. For right now you have to set it up yourself manually with a command like: (lmclient @LMSS,1 | mosquitto_pub -h myserver -t "heatermeter/hmstatus" -l) & There's a little more detail in the ticket but do not post...
  5. Bryan Mayland

    How to use AP mode

    Oh so you're not doing it via USB stick? I just downloaded v15 stable images in "default (heatermeter AP)" and AP but then filling in all the information and both produced a fresh Pi3B+ showing up as a "heatermeter" wifi network. For AP mode I filled it in with Mode: Access Point Network Name...
  6. Bryan Mayland

    How to use AP mode

    I just copy pasted the bit from my code block into a file called config.txt on a USB flash drive (exFAT format, but FAT32 works too) and booted my Pi3B+ and it came up in AP mode. The system was previously a wireless client to my wifi network, so it appears to work for me. I can't think of how...
  7. Bryan Mayland

    calculating thermistor coefficients

    Wow, looks pretty much perfect to me! I think cool downs work better in general for doing correlation because they happen more slowly (probe temperatures stay closer together) and are less volatile. I really should slap a webpage on the process since it is really just a few buttons to start /...
  8. Bryan Mayland

    How to use AP mode

    Yeah it shows up just like a home wireless network except without the Internet access. I don't expose the option to hide the SSID, so it always will broadcast. I don't think AP mode works on the Edimax wifi dongles, but it does on Pi3B+ / ZeroW and the Ralink adapters. If you just use a USB...
  9. Bryan Mayland

    calculating thermistor coefficients

    It doesn't matter what the Pit probe is, it just has to be one that already works with HeaterMeter. When you switch the mode with `LMUP,start` it makes the Pit probe output degrees Celsius and the other probes output resistance which is all that is needed to perform the correlation. This is the...
  10. Bryan Mayland

    XML parse error

    Yeah that sure is strange. I am not sure how that could get corrupted like that. I'm not sure if it will be worthwhile to try to implement some sort of filtering in linkmeterd to try to sanitize or urlencode probe names in case something like this happens again. I'll definitely try to keep it in...
  11. Bryan Mayland

    XML parse error

    If you "view source" of the page and look at what's at line 56 it may give you a clue as to what the problem is. It looks to me like it might be that one of the probe names has some non-ASCII characters in them maybe (you'd be able to view them from the Home page)? It is definitely binary data...
  12. Bryan Mayland

    Stable firmware release v15

    I really have no idea how that's possible, especially how the Pit probe is missing in the noise list but Probe 1 is missing in the temperature display. I don't even understand how the table cell could be just gone like that considering there's no code anywhere that hides a probe. Do you have any...
  13. Bryan Mayland

    Stable firmware release v15

    😲 Well that's certainly not what I expected to see. It's gotta be something in your User CSS. Want to post that and I can see if there's something I've broken in the page structure that causes that? I did move some things around inside each box last year some time so there's a chance of that...
  14. Bryan Mayland

    Stable firmware release v15

    I've not seen anything like this. You mean in there's no temperature displayed here on the box? (this is Chrome) There's no ability to turn this off through the UI at all so all I can think is that you've either got some User CSS that's making it disappear or maybe the probe name is somehow...
  15. Bryan Mayland

    Stable firmware release v15

    We've all been on Snapshots so long we completely forgot we could do releases too. It has been over 3 years since the last stable release but that hasn't meant that nothing has been going on, there have been 104 files changed, 8348 insertions, 4477 deletions since the last release. In that time...
  16. Bryan Mayland

    The Adapt-a-Damper - Open Source Project

    I modeled it from scratch in OpenSCAD to fit the HXT900 I got from HobbyKing. I can post the source file if needed but I'd have to edit it to include the library functions I use so just posting the STL is easier. This is both the dial and top case in one STL that will need to be split in the...
  17. Bryan Mayland

    Reverse Voltage fried my HeaterMeter

    Yeah the diode D3 is intended to provide some reverse polarity protection, but the fan circuit is outside of that. I didn't tap off the far side of the diode because of the voltage drop. The diode is also limited to 1A max current and I was concerned folks might run beefier blowers, although I...
  18. Bryan Mayland


    Ooh if you're looking for a 0-10V analog output from the HeaterMeter, then what I've described isn't going to get you there. I described a 0V and 10V output that's either on or off for up to 10 seconds at a time. If you want a 0-10V analog output, put the HeaterMeter in Pulse mode with a 10V...
  19. Bryan Mayland

    minimum servo opening while running.

    No there isn't any "Even more off" position for the servo, 0% is as 0% as it gets. If you're getting a lot of overshoot on startup, try maybe lighting fewer coals to start? You can also increase the D term to make it throttle back sooner as it starts up. You can do a lot of crazy stuff with...
  20. Bryan Mayland

    The LinkMeter Snapshot and YOU

    Yeah Windows is really wonkus about the SD card with multiple partitions on it and it keeps changing how it handles them too. The important thing to note is that you can overwrite the image again with Win32DiskImager but you need to figure out which drive to actually write to. If you pop the SD...

