Recent content by Scott White

  1. S

    Lump ?

    Hey Chet - That sounds like a lot of fun. Plus what a great way to enjoy some creative eats. Just curious... Do you carry your bullet on the motorhome? You never know when you draw lots to see what you cook, you might end up with a butt or brisket. Of course you would need a little head start to...
  2. S

    Lump ?

    Jim and Chris, what you are saying makes sense. Being new to this whole process, I doubt that if in a blind taste test, I would even be able to taste a difference. Probably a head thing for me. I am bright enough to figure that if there was a measurable, consistent difference between using...
  3. S

    Lump ?

    Chet, I hear you. Taste, Cooking ease and function, Smell, are all subjective and bias'd towards individual preferences. If it works, and the results are good, then go with what works for you. But Bryan, you hit on the thing that is still bothersome to me. I feel, think, or imagine, that I...
  4. S

    Lump ?

    I am curious as to the benefits of using lump instead of Kingsford. Is it a matter of burn time or is it a flavour issue? I am currently in the process of my 4th smoke, with 2 picnic shoulders on the bullet at this time. (15 hours and still holding at 225 pit temp,179 on the picnics) I have used...
  5. S

    To trim or not to trim...

    Im smoking a 7.5# shoulder picnic this weekend and would like some advice, as I have only done Butts in the past. After reviewing past post on the topic I still can not decide if I should leave the skin on (if I understand correctly, some feel that this helps the picnic from becoming too dry...
  6. S

    Informal Survey. Who prefers a Vinegar base sauce on their pulled pork?

    Gotta go with vinegar based sauces. Just add mustard and whoo wee. Stogies "Miss Piggy Sauce" rules the roost at my house.
  7. S

    Up to temperature

    I have done two cooks and my experience has been the opposite. Using the MM and 20 or so hot coals (using sand instead of water) my cooker is hitting 200 + in 15 to 20 minutes. As others have pointed out , I have ended up battling to keep temps down 2 to 3 hours into the cook, as the WSM seems...

