Recent content by Russell Y

  1. Russell Y

    BBQ Quiz

    Oops. Link updated if you have nothing better to do. Russell
  2. Russell Y

    I want to smoke some pastrami, need help.

    All corned beef in the stores are not alike. Some are flats, some are points. Some injected, others not. Some are tenderized, others not. A flat, non-injected, non-tenderized corned beef is your best bet, but will cost more than others. I have seen whole briskets prepped as corned beef. Best...
  3. Russell Y

    Microwaves - are they all the same? Anyone use a convection mw?

    There are two types of microwave ovens. Inverter and regular. The difference is the electricity is converted into microwaves to heat the food - On high heat both supply...
  4. Russell Y

    My first dishwasher

    We used the dishwasher pods (for convenience) for 6 months and got mediocre results. Started using liquid out of the bottle - bazinga! sparkling clean dishes. So... if using pods, give the liquid a try to see if makes a difference. Russell
  5. Russell Y

    Wet charcoal in performer

    Interesting. With a waterproof cover when condensation forms, there is no place for it to go. With a water resistant cover, over time the moisture can escape. This site recommends breathable (water resistant) covers. Russell
  6. Russell Y

    In search of a WSM round door knob

    Here is one - Here is a discussion on replacement - and here's a door -...
  7. Russell Y

    Kill Temps: Pork & Trichinella

    "What do you think? Am I wrong or too careful?" Temperature recommendations are made with the idea that the all of the "bad stuff" will be gone at that temperature. The time/temperature charts are designed with the idea that if meat is held at a specific temperature for a length of time, all of...
  8. Russell Y

    Do you use a Food Saver ?

    Yes. Useful for freezing leftovers (my mom reheats in a pan of water and pours it over rice). Useful for Sous Vide (rolls from Amazon are within reason, baggie/water displacement too much work for me). I buy a whole rib eye, age it, cut it up and freeze dinner portions. Russell
  9. Russell Y

    It's not too late - Earn $10,000 in two weeks while eating ribs

    Applications close June 19 at 12:00. "As CGO, you won’t need a comfy corner office because for two weeks in August, you’ll be busy tasting and savoring BBQ ribs from some of the top BBQ rib cities in the country. Along the way, you’ll share tips, grilling techniques and photos on the Reynolds...
  10. Russell Y

    Quantity vs weight

    Yes. It really is a function of thickness. 4 hamburger patties will cook faster than those patties put in a meatloaf pan. Flatten the meatloaf on a pizza pan so it’s the same thickness as the patties and they will both take the same time to cook. Russell
  11. Russell Y

    Smashed burgers on the Genesis using the Baking Steel

    Smash your burger within 30 seconds of placing it on the griddle and you will retain your juices. Russell
  12. Russell Y

    For those who have smoked a brisket on a 18 WSM.....

    ... That's a lot of questions. I am going to suggest not using the water pan filled with water, this will use more fuel. Don't peek. Every time you open the lid you lose heat. More time to finish the cook, more fuel gets consumed. Russell
  13. Russell Y

    Why Yelp reviews are suspect

    Yelp review, Amazon Review, Google Review, Consumers Report. Delete them all and choosing becomes a shot in the dark. Look at the overall rating, read the reviews and then you might have a chance at making a good choice. Don't just stop at the rating. Russell
  14. Russell Y

    40% off Books at Thermoworks 24 hours only 5/7/2019

    40% off Books at Thermoworks 24 hours only Russell
  15. Russell Y

    Boston Butt Smoke then Sous Vide - It Works

    Well I am a sous vide cooker also, but I googled Frankencooler and it looks like someone trademarked the name. It's an ice chest with modifications to become an ice chest air conditioner. Back to topic. Here is a search link to Frankencooler and sous vide This method sounds doable and I might...

