Recent content by JWorden

  1. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    This morning I made a simple brine of salt and brown sugar. I let it soak for about 4 hours. I didn't bother cleaning the bones. I setup my performer with split charcoal baskets with apple and peach wood. I lit too much charcoal so it ran a little hot. I just used the dome thermometer set...
  2. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    I didn't know my post would be so inspiring!
  3. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    Maybe, it's better to smoke on the performer with split baskets at 350F . That's how I do tenderloin. I just assumed the WSM would be better but if it's a quick cook I don't need it.
  4. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    It's not. Standard grocery cut without seasoning.
  5. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    Thanks everyone It's a center cut pork loin roast. It has a row of bones sticking out the side. It weighs 4.27 pounds. I do have a weber spirit I could sear my wife's cut to her liking so that's an option.
  6. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    I agree 160 is high but if it's pink at all she won't eat it. With tenderloin I can get away with this since it's so tender anyways. Edit: I could run two probes. The center should cook less than the sides. Thanks for the reply
  7. J

    Bone in pork loin roast suggestions

    Hi everyone, By mistake I purchased a bone in pork loin roast. I have never cooked one before so I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I'm familiar with cooking pork tenderloin on my performer and pork shoulder and ribs on my WSM. I know you can eat pork at around 145F but my wife...
  8. J

    Tell me again how they don't smoke?

    If I ever decide to join costo I'll get some Kirkland pellets. I've mostly used Pitt Boss because there competition blend is cheap. Maybe I'm getting what I'm paying for
  9. J

    Tell me again how they don't smoke?

    Are you still using the Cosco pellets? You've mentioned that in previous posts. I have a basic z grill pellet grill and found the smoke intensity lacking. Yes, it smokes and for chicken it's acceptable but when I did ribs and pork butt I thought it was too light. I'm comparing this to my WSM...
  10. J

    Smoking on the Gasser

    Can you try a smoke tube mixed with pellets and wood chips? I've added this setup to my pellet grill since I didn't like the smoke output on my pellet grill on its own. It made a difference with ribs.
  11. J

    Summit Kamado top vent sticking

    I use simple green on the top vent of my performer and WSM.
  12. J

    Doing my first rib cook on Saturday -- couple quick questions

    They look good. I assume you did not wrap these. How did they turn out?
  13. J

    Doing my first rib cook on Saturday -- couple quick questions

    I don't normally use my kettle for ribs but when I do it's the snake method. I set my bottom vent about 1/4 open and then adjust the top from there. You'll have to experiment with this. I got a 14 in WSM I stopped using the kettle. I can add a water or drip pan underneath.
  14. J

    Sharing my first cook on 22" weber -- learned a lot, had a great time

    Yes, definitely chunks over chips and less is more. So start with a single chunk. You don't want to overdo it until you know what you like. I posted a picture of my setup on your prior thread. Chips will burn out in a few minutes whereas chunks last longer. I get my wood from fruita wood (2"x2"...
  15. J

    Sharing my first cook on 22" weber -- learned a lot, had a great time

    Try adding one chunk of apple or peach wood. It will be a totally unique flavor compared to gas or straight charcoal. I also leave the top fully open and choke the bottom. I want to minimize cresolite build up. Well done on your first cook!

