Recent content by Jepprey P

  1. Jepprey P

    A couple of new Charcoal Go Anywhere features

    I'm sure John will have more information, but it looks like out of the three additional parts, the 2-piece cooking grate and aluminum drip pans (à la Weber Q) are available for purchase from Weber's site ( The only part not available...
  2. Jepprey P

    A couple of new Charcoal Go Anywhere features

    The Weber Go-Anywhere Charcoal Grill now comes with a 2-piece cooking grate, a Char-rail insert for indirect grilling, and a couple of disposable foil pans. ( Small changes, but it's an...
  3. Jepprey P

    World War II history

    Sorry for liking a bunch of old posts. Thought this was more recent.
  4. Jepprey P

    Coffee Beans what's in your grinder ???

    There was a Barron's article today that attributed higher coffee prices due to a drought in Brazil, apparently the world's largest coffee producer. I won't link the article since it's behind a pay wall, but I took a screen shot of the part that was available.
  5. Jepprey P

    Cedar planked Salmon on the Q

    That looks really good!
  6. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    @TonyUK the augmented (15 item) index score puts you into the middle decile (-28 to 48). The original Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) was 18 items, but was then paired down to 10 items. The questionnaire at the link Keith provided adds 5 additional items (computer mouse, key, hammer...
  7. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    @TonyUK, take a look at this scale. You're almost in the middle of being both a lefty and a righty.
  8. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    Sounds like me.
  9. Jepprey P

    Does anyone, anywhere make solid, thick 304SS grates for the go anywhere?

    I'd happily use that, what a cost-effective solution!
  10. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    5th left decile with my augmented index at -66.67. There are three other people in my office and we're all left-handed, but we all use a mouse right-handed. Also, using scissors right-handed. Growing up, we used what was available and frankly schools I attended didn't really accommodate...
  11. Jepprey P

    Does anyone, anywhere make solid, thick 304SS grates for the go anywhere?

    @Jacob - Grillin’ I got mine from Zifa Grills in Germany. The price is €57,90 (about $62.08 USD) plus shipping. Completely satisfied with mine. You can check them out here: The original grate...
  12. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    @Kevin_K soak the basket in hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/2 cup white vinegar for a half an hour. You should get the basket mostly clean with your scrubbies.
  13. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    I agree, it will never look new again. I do like that the basket doesn't have a non-stick coating, so I'll put up with a little more cleaning time. @timothy, do you have a picture of your basket with years of patina? Interested in comparing it to mine as far as condition. Restaurant sheet pans...
  14. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    I use these scrubbers to clean the Weber grill basket. I steep the basket in hot soapy water for a half hour and then scrub for a couple of minutes.
  15. Jepprey P

    Lifespace Go-Anywhere Portable Grill Rotisserie Riser Extension Kit $59

    Great mods, can't wait to see the modded WGA in action!

