Search results

  1. Jepprey P

    A couple of new Charcoal Go Anywhere features

    I'm sure John will have more information, but it looks like out of the three additional parts, the 2-piece cooking grate and aluminum drip pans (à la Weber Q) are available for purchase from Weber's site ( The only part not available...
  2. Jepprey P

    A couple of new Charcoal Go Anywhere features

    The Weber Go-Anywhere Charcoal Grill now comes with a 2-piece cooking grate, a Char-rail insert for indirect grilling, and a couple of disposable foil pans. ( Small changes, but it's an...
  3. Jepprey P

    World War II history

    Sorry for liking a bunch of old posts. Thought this was more recent.
  4. Jepprey P

    Coffee Beans what's in your grinder ???

    There was a Barron's article today that attributed higher coffee prices due to a drought in Brazil, apparently the world's largest coffee producer. I won't link the article since it's behind a pay wall, but I took a screen shot of the part that was available.
  5. Jepprey P

    Cedar planked Salmon on the Q

    That looks really good!
  6. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    @TonyUK the augmented (15 item) index score puts you into the middle decile (-28 to 48). The original Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (EHI) was 18 items, but was then paired down to 10 items. The questionnaire at the link Keith provided adds 5 additional items (computer mouse, key, hammer...
  7. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    @TonyUK, take a look at this scale. You're almost in the middle of being both a lefty and a righty.
  8. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    Sounds like me.
  9. Jepprey P

    Does anyone, anywhere make solid, thick 304SS grates for the go anywhere?

    I'd happily use that, what a cost-effective solution!
  10. Jepprey P

    How Right- or Left-Handed Are You?

    5th left decile with my augmented index at -66.67. There are three other people in my office and we're all left-handed, but we all use a mouse right-handed. Also, using scissors right-handed. Growing up, we used what was available and frankly schools I attended didn't really accommodate...
  11. Jepprey P

    Does anyone, anywhere make solid, thick 304SS grates for the go anywhere?

    @Jacob - Grillin’ I got mine from Zifa Grills in Germany. The price is €57,90 (about $62.08 USD) plus shipping. Completely satisfied with mine. You can check them out here: The original grate...
  12. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    @Kevin_K soak the basket in hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/2 cup white vinegar for a half an hour. You should get the basket mostly clean with your scrubbies.
  13. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    I agree, it will never look new again. I do like that the basket doesn't have a non-stick coating, so I'll put up with a little more cleaning time. @timothy, do you have a picture of your basket with years of patina? Interested in comparing it to mine as far as condition. Restaurant sheet pans...
  14. Jepprey P

    Weber grill pan/basket question

    I use these scrubbers to clean the Weber grill basket. I steep the basket in hot soapy water for a half hour and then scrub for a couple of minutes.
  15. Jepprey P

    Lifespace Go-Anywhere Portable Grill Rotisserie Riser Extension Kit $59

    Great mods, can't wait to see the modded WGA in action!
  16. Jepprey P

    Gas help

    @Andrew-F congrats on your new Weber! Are we talking propane? The newer tanks have a safety feature that will limit the flow of gas if you open the valve on the tank too fast. To reset the safety seal, turn the propane valve off and wait a minute or so. When opening the valve, turn the valve...
  17. Jepprey P

    Grilled chicken halves

    Looks good! Let us know how he liked it.
  18. Jepprey P

    Lifespace Go-Anywhere Portable Grill Rotisserie Riser Extension Kit $59

    Joe, that sucks. I was hoping that the Lifespace riser would be a great, lower-cost alternative to those risers offered in Germany (Zifa), Australia (Rub&Grub), or the UK (Flatpack). The Lifespace riser is similar to the Flatpack in that it is primarily oriented toward rotisserie cooking. I...
  19. Jepprey P

    What's everyone's favorite burger press

    That's very similar to the Cuisinart CSBP-100 3-in-1 Stuffed Burger Press I bought a couple of years ago. Tried it out and was disappointed with how much the meat stuck and made a mess of the formed burger. Two years later, I watched a Chuds BBQ video where he used square parchment paper on...
  20. Jepprey P

    Replacement vents for Jumbo Joe?

    Dave, here's the Jumbo Joe schematic and the vents (dampers) are outlined in red. The Jumbo Joe top vent (Damper kit 63059) is compatible across several UK grills and should be available to order from It looks like the bottom vent (Bottom damper 61498) is specific to the...

