Recent content by Jason Plantenga

  1. Jason Plantenga

    First successful HH brisket

    I cook my briskets around 270 and get a decent bark. The point is my favorite and can be pulled like a shoulder roast, while the flat slices up really nice. Is the way I do it considered HH? I've always had a better brisket at 250-275 than at 225. Maybe I need a little more patience.
  2. Jason Plantenga

    Getting ready for cold weather in Indiana!

    I've already done it, but I want to try it on the coldest day!
  3. Jason Plantenga

    Getting ready for cold weather in Indiana!

    My favorite piece of hardware is my 18.5 WSM. I've had it a little more than a year and built a little cabinet for it so I can use it all year. I want to cook a perfect brisket in February. I hope everyone here can get me there!

