Need a little Help with a NEW Cast Iron DO


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I just bought a new DO and it needs to be seasoned before use. I have lots of CI but I bought them all used, this is my first new one. It has some kind of protective wax on it right now and when I went up on the net I found 20 different ways to remove whatever it is. Now I'm confused I don't want to screw it up.
Any advice on the procedure for the first seasoning would be appreciated, especially how to get the protective coating off. Was going to use flaxseed oil for my coating also.
this is my first new one. It has some kind of protective wax on it right now and when I went up on the net I found 20 different ways to remove whatever it is. Now I'm confused I don't want to screw it up.
This seems to address your concern. It's specifically for new and it mentions the wax that needs to be removed before seasoning

Seasoning, the process whereby the pores in cast iron absorb oil and create a natural non-stick finish, is not complicated and shouldn’t discourage first-time cast iron users.

In order to start the process, wash, rinse and thoroughly dry the new skillet or dutch oven to remove the protective wax coating. I recommend drying the utensil over a low flame to remove all moisture from the porous metal, 2-3 minutes.
Put two tablespoons of liquid vegetable oil in the utensil. Do not use saturated fat, such as butter or bacon fat, because this fat will become rancid during storage. Use a paper towel to coat the entire surface of the utensil with the oil, inside and out -- including all corners, edges and lids.
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees F for 30 minutes. Line a large baking pan or cookie sheet with aluminum foil and place the utensils on the sheet, with the pot upside down and the lid right side up, to prevent the oil building up in the concave areas.
Bake the utensils for 1 hour, turn off the heat and allow the skillet or dutch oven to cool completely in the oven with the door closed, 4-6 hours.
Remove from oven and wipe with a paper towel. This completes the seasoning process, and you are ready to use your nicely seasoned cast iron skillet.

