Tips on Grinding Pepper Mixes?



Hello all,

I bought a Cuisinart Spice and Nut grinder a few months ago on impulse. I thought I was being extra careful grinding an exotic (ie unknown) homegrown dried pepper mix I received from my co-worker many years ago. I wanted to grind it more so the mix would be more uniform in size. After grinding, I waited a good 5 mins before I removed the top but the dust hit me and my daughter in the next room. We had a good laugh during our 5 min coughing fit.

Aside from using the grinder outside, can anyone provide some tips and insight? :)
Wow! That must have been some nasty pepper mix, never had that happen before. Might try a dust filter over your nose and mouth.
Not familiar with that grinder but a Burr Mill type grinder will cut down on dustiness and provide a more uniform grind size
Outside is your best bet with peppers. After you pour it out, take slice of soft white bread and grind that up. It will pick up and clean the pepper out.
Thanks. I will try the bread to clean my grinder. I used white rice too and that worked pretty well.

