22" WSM: Max Capacity for Baby Backs?


Ernie D

How many racks of baby back ribs can you fit on one of these things. I get pretty large slabs of bb's from Costco, and would robably use rib racks on both grates. I'm thinking 12 racks would fill it up pretty full.

It would be really nice to see some pictures of your 22" WSM's totally full of ribs.
While you're waiting for replies, you can see some photos I posted here:


Click on the third thumbnail...it shows 6 slabs of baby backs rolled on the top grate, so you can certainly do 6 more on the bottom. The other photos shows 6 slabs using a rib rack on the top grate.

If you get creative you can probably fit several more slabs.

Thanks Chris!

Those pics pretty much give me the visuals I wanted. I could imagine squeezing about 18 to 20 slabs into that thing if absolutely necessary.

Great comparison pics of 18" next to the 22"
If ya get 20 racks in the 22 post a pic

Two Weber rib racks fit nicely on a 22" grate end to end. If you spread them just enough to put a rack of ribs between the two, that means 9 racks of ribs per level. If you bolt in a third grate between the top & bottom....


