YMMV Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub on Clearance at Lowes $99 or lower


JohnS FL

TVWBB Member
Saw this earlier in the week and went searching at the only Lowes that showed any in stock (3), about 30 min away. Found one sitting behind a display of Weber covers out where the grills are set up. $39.97! Pretty happy with that one :)


And then I stopped at the Home Depot down the road and scored another set of $0.01 CI grates…. Super Bowl Funday Indeed!
Great finds! Lowes really seems to be reducing their Weber shelf space allocation. 🙁 That’s too bad.
Great finds! Lowes really seems to be reducing their Weber shelf space allocation. 🙁 That’s too bad.
Either that or maybe they are consolidating with their iGrill line of products? I think for the features that the original MSRP of $130 was too high for the Connect Hub... Probably would have had more success pricing it against the Thermoworks Smoke between $80 and $100.

