Yet another feature request... Annotations


Joe Pearce

New member

Have just started playing around with my new Heatermeter and have come across a request that i think would help a ton with time management. I think it would be a nifty feature if we could click on the graph at different times and add notes to it. Like click on a temp drop and say "added sausages" or click on another point and note that i changed pid settings or something like that... just so i could easily look back over at the graph and see how long something has been on there when items have not been started at the same point.

Anyways, just a though! Back to pid tuning :)
Yah, I've requested support for annotation before, would be real nice for your own reference and for the live cooks where other people are looking in. Would be nice to be able to link photo's to share for the live cooks to...
Already on The HeaterMeter TODO List!

The stumbling point is that there's nowhere to store the data currently. However, the processing power and storage available has grown quite a bit since I designed this project to run on a 200MHz CPU with 8MB of RAM so there are a lot of options. The archive system is kinda klunky though and I'm not sure how many people actually go back and look at their archives anyway, so it's sort of a low priority.

